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Dunkan Dunkel edited this page Nov 20, 2016 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the SettingsMogul wiki!

This programs biggest purpose for ME is to catch Windows and Mac users and make possible a smooth transition to Linux or any other free and secure OS together with a program they already feel home and confortable with.

This program aim to do that by making the whole world of settings and tweeking systems more humane for NONE professionals and computer newbees. Its NOT a program for coders and Linux wizards,, It's for Mothers, the marketplase salesman, the sea captain and his crew and the rest that dont want or can make linux a hobby for some years to get it to work like they want. Changeing an Os can be a major thing in life.. especially to something so free and dynamic as Linux OS and that is also used by only 1% of computor users. You dont just ask your neighbour boy for some help do you..

I think of all the time I have spent running around looking for the same info over and over again before i learned and learned to collect it. Like a mad hen looking for her scattered chicks in a rainy storm at times when things crash. No more waste of time and life I say. Code and mashines shall Serve. And serve well!! For thousends of years to come. OS's commes and goes like popcorn in the wind and i carry my settings and experiences with me in my Mogul. For all of my systems. In one place. One ring to rule them all! My ring.. My precious.. mine.. mine..

When opening the program you will be presented with a dialog that ask you for a database and a password. An option is to use a extra keyfile just like one can in KeepassX. Unlike KeepassX (I recomend KeepassX warmly) the database can also be set to open without password.

This program is by the way inspired by KeepassX, Webmin, Registrar ( and Spacefm, Pcmanfm's racecar of a big sister filemanager! If they all went to bed and thought about the future while doing it, This would be the baby. Actually i think Searchmonkey was there also, poking around in the mix with that impressive regexpression building tool ;) Yes I'm really sure now when I come to think of it.

So the Program: When the program open the database there is a group and file tree on the left just like in KeepassX. And also like in KeypassX this are sortable, nestable groups with an ability to asign icons to them. The top toolbar has menus and an optional icon based quick access toolbar that can be populated with menu objects of choice. Also one can choose to hide items from the tree by adding show modes in Mogul-settings or by context menu in the actuall show mode.

This is the menus

File > save // saves the database. Can be set to autosave after every change in Mogul-settings

File > save as

File > import settings file // This is your systems textbased settings files

File > export settings file // Exports a text based copy of a settings sheet

File > import database for merge // As it says

File > import regfile // Imports Windows regfile to a registery sheet without melting it to the registery

=============================================== Edit > undo // change the last done settings in the database or if group or file is choosen, in that file or group.

Edit > redo // Same as for undo.

Edit > search // by regexpress. can be limited to group/groups by selection of groups and sheets in the tree

Edit > search in time // pops up dialog where you can put in time range. Can be limmited to group/groups and regexp by selection in the tree and alows for input in regexpress dialog.

Edit > setting // edit timestamp, history, notes etc of an settings item, sheet or whole group. This can also be accessed by doubleclicking on the item in the tree. This can be a range of attributes. Timestamp, history, notes, associations, occurences and so on. custom atribute groups can be made in Mogul-settings

Edit > Mogul-settings // Here you can set default sorting options, theme, font size, encryption. Here you also can choose items for the iconbased quick toolbar from the menu items. Also choose if the groups are called libraries or whatever in what level in the hierarki. Default is OS>Version>Host>user. This can be overridden in the tree by context menu > rename. > choose icon. Also keybindings can be asigned for every menue item. Additional attribut groups can also be made. This can of cource also be edited in a settings sheet. Also color for different cind of sheets can be set.


Tools > settings collector // Lets you step around in your different settings sheets and collect "settings" in a "virtual" settings sheet. With every setting comes the settings true file and location. The collected settings in their original place representing the actuall settings file are changed in sync with changes in the assembled "virtual" sheet. This sync goes both ways and goes for all atribute if not explicit choosen not to for an attribute. Every change in an attribute has a history both front and backward in the undo and redo history if not explict erased.

Tools > create settings modes // here you can create one click settings modes that you can use to quickly change a lot of settings in one time. also software can be implemented in this "Modes"

Tools > Apply setting modes // here you can change many settings at ones and even install program suits in OS that suports it. Like Linux :) this commes with a optional fallback safe where changes are reverted after one reboot/logout-in/optional-time if not confirmed as acepted.

Tools > Software listings // lists software explicidly installed by you so that it is easier to migrate. Render list suitable to feed to package managers. For windows and mac lists files in programfiles that not are the default. also can list the startmenu entries.

Tools > regedit+ // edit register keys and have option to import keys and timestamp them. All changes are saved in the database and sorted under OS, host and time of change.

Tools > regfiles creater. // a tool to collect registry keys and values to create mergable regfiles.

Tools > registry diff. // tool to record differenses in window registry. like before and after an install

Tools > filesystem diff. // tool to record differenses in filesystem and files. like before and after an install works with checksums and recording of filechanges compared to backups.

Tools > backup // tool to backup files before an install to make a diff posible. Can backup known files or whole directorys. Comprehensive include and exclude system with possible of saving backup choises to a backup setting sheet.

Tools > registry cleaner with option to make backup regfiles for easy revert

Tools > External settings manager recorder.// where you can use external settings manager trough Mogul and record changes, This is plugin system based and work by sandboxing the actual programs

Tools > install of settings manager plugin. // option to uninstall one

Tools > import of commands. //siffting trough commandline history and allow to save and tag commands. Also can import Aliases from .bashrc and Ali's Aliases file. User with sudo rights or have other users password can import from root or user account

Tools > build aliases // gives access to collected commands and lets you build and export aliases to .bashrc or ecvivalent and Ali's Aliases file for use in shell. User with sudo rights or with other users password can export to root or other user account.

================================================ About > About Mogul. Link to SettingsMogul at github and mention of all contributors. Also tells what language it is coded in.

About > System sumary.

============================================= The settings edit pane can be split up to at most 4 panes where one can edit atributes of a settings sheet or compair and even do diffs between different settings modes. What one want where can be set tru the context menu. This panes can also have tabs. and the setup can be saved untill next time you start SettingsMogul. The tree can be hidden with a shorthand.

Also there is of cource a command line interface for all thees functions.

Voilà Well there she is my Darling I have missed for so long. Now i just Hope that I share this dream with some lovefull and sweet programers. If you see my vision here and have some time on your hands Please dont be shy to contact me and see how we could get this going. If you dont have this time on the hands but like the outlook please recomend programers you know to come by and take a look. Give advice. It truely would be a big win to get this bird flying.

Next thing i write should not disencourage Windows and Mac users to engage as it only is an expression of me and my frustration over the slopy security and privicy policys of this dominant OS. I can be easy dominated trought engagement and direct democracy.. Smoothest ride winns!

Windows are dying with windows 10 that dont even give its users admin rights and becomming imposible to run effectively warezed anymore. My friend that is a old gamer and have serviced Windows for many years have some update files that have choked and he CAN'T remove them becauce there is no admin anymore lol. So Everytime his system hangs (and it does.. we know that :) he has to reboot and must wait around 30min while they try try and try.. to install.. LoL. Its a circus. A freakshow in pure dll. And he swears and sighs..

SoNow is the time to kick ass and steal souls for Linux and other secure and free OS's I say. The smooth ride wins!

Also if you get my filosofie of the smooth ride check out Ali.. a much much smaller project. But nice!

Be happy and love mice.. We are winning :)

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