The script
uses Dropbox API v2 ( to synchronize files between local and Dropbox folders
It uses several filters of files, defined in
- exclude temporary files by mask. By default:.*, ~*, thumbs.db
- match only files with modification time newer than matchDays days. By default: no filtration.
Each file compare using name, size and modification time to prevent unnecessary synchronization.
Dropbox account
Python 2.7 and above
Tested on debian wheezy/Mac OS X
Clone this git repo:
git clone
Install Dropbox SDK (see:
Create Dropbox application and get access token
Create your own script using your token follow on examples below
Script log to console and file /tmp/cloudsync.log
Script detect if it run by cron and disable console output in that case.
Required params
- your dropbox token (see:
- dropbox directory
- local directory
- direction of syncronization
- from Dropbox directory to local directory
- from local directory to Dropbox directory
Optional params
- copy only files which modification time is newer than --match-days
Copy photos created in the last 30 days from Dropbox to local directory. Local directory should exists.
./ \
--dropboxdir "/Camera Uploads" \
--localdir ~/dropbox_photos \
--direction "tolocal" \
--match-days 30
Copy photos from local directory (for example mounted yandex.disk as davfs) to Dropbox directory. Dropbox directory should exists.
./ \
--localdir /mnt/yadisk/diskphotos/Фотокамера \
--dropboxdir "/YandexPhotos" \
--direction "todropbox" \
--match-days 30
- Copy files from one local directory to target Dropbox directory
- Copy only in one direction, defined in command line argument
- Doesn't modify source folder, create/delete file only in target folder
- Filter files with several filters
- Doesn't sync subfolders
- Doesn't sync in both directions by one configuration
- Doesn't create target folder