Work in Progress As it currently stands, this system is quite incomplete with many holes.
This repository contains infrastructure for writing LSP servers (and possibly clients) in Standard ML (SML). It has two parts:
- code for generating type declarations and message decoders/encoders from a = machine readable specification of the protocol
- Implementations of the protocol transport layer that can be wrapped around a language-specific server.
In this implementation we use the term "Language Server" to describe the language-specific implementation of the handlers for the various LSP requests and notifications, and the term "LSP Server" to describe the language server wrapped with code that handles the communication between the server and client.
All of the code is in the src
-- this directory holds the generator part of the LSP Kitsrc/generator/lsp-gen
-- the implementation of the generatorsrc/generator/lsp-gen/fragments
-- fragments of SML code that get inserted into the generated files.src/generator/lsp-gen/out
-- directory for dumping the output of the generator.src/generator/meta-model
-- this directory contains copies of the so-called "meta-model" that specifies LSP.src/generator/meta-model/3.17
-- Version 3.17 of the protocol (the current stable version).src/generator/meta-model/3.18
-- Version 3.18 of the protocol, which is under development.
-- this library implements the transport layer for a LSP server.src/lsp-server/test-messages
-- files containing various LSP messages that are used to test message decoding.src/lsp-server/json-rpc
-- a library for working with JSON RPC, which is the encoding for LSP. Note that this library is under development as part of the SML of NJ Library and will be removed once it is part of the SML/NJ distribution.
There is a lot of work to do, here is a partial list.
- the generator code can load the meta-model file, but does not support
much in the way of code generation yet. Specifically, we need to do
the following:
- generate SML types for the LSP
- for each request
, generate a structure with the signaturestructure R : sig val name : string type params = { ... } type result = { ... } val decodeParams : (string * JSONRPC.value) list -> params val encodeResult : result -> JSON.value end
- for each notification
, generate a structure with the signaturestructure N : sig val name : string type params = { ... } val decodeParams : (string * JSONRPC.value) list -> params end
- generate a signature for the registration functions implemented in the server
- Write a CML version of the server infrastructure
- Add MLB files to support the MLton and MLKit compilers
- Write a demo server; I'm thinking of a server for typed PCF