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/** KoDEx */: Kotlin Documentation Extensions. KDoc preprocessor Gradle plugin and IDEA plugin (Beta).


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/** KoDEx */: Kotlin Documentation Extensions

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IntelliJ Plugin

KDoc Preprocessor Gradle Plugin and IDEA plugin (Beta)

Kotlin libraries use KDoc to document their code and especially their public API. This allows users to understand how to use the library and what to expect from it. However, writing KDoc can be a tedious task, especially when you have to repeat the same information in multiple places. KoDEx allows us to write the information only once and then include it in multiple places.

KoDEx works in preprocessing 'waves'; In each wave, all KDoc comments are processed by a single preprocessor before passing on the results to the next. A preprocessor in KoDEx can modify its custom tags in your KDoc comments or change the entirety of the comment itself. See more about the preprocessors below.

Note: {@inline tags} now work in KDocs too! Plus, {@tags {@inside tags}} are supported as well. (Javadoc may be supported, but since I have no need for it personally, I don't plan on supporting it explicitly.)

KoDEx comes in the form of two plugins:

  • The KoDEx IDEA Plugin allows you to preview the rendered KDocs in the IDE and provides completion, highlighting, and descriptions for the new tags.

  • The KoDEx Gradle Plugin allows you to actually process all KDoc comments in your project with the custom preprocessors and obtain the modified sources afterward.

(KoDEx is not a Dokka plugin, meaning you can actually get a sources.jar file with the modified comments instead of just having the comments modified in a javadoc.jar or a Dokka HTML website).


You can find a little video demo right here.

What you write:

Click to see the source

What you get:

Click to see the source

Used By

This plugin is used by Kotlin DataFrame, to make it possible to document and update the wide range of function overloads present in the library due to its DSL-like nature.

Let me know if you're using it in your project too!


Preprocessors are run one at a time, in order, on all KDoc comments in the sources. If a preprocessor is a tag processor, it will process only its own tags in the following order:

  • Inline tags
    • depth-first
    • top-to-bottom
    • left-to-right
  • Block tags
    • top-to-bottom

Included preprocessors are:

Description Name
@include tag to include other documentation into your KDoc.
Used like @include [Reference.To.Element].
@includeFile tag to include the entire content of a file into your KDoc.
Used like @includeFile (./path/to/file).
@set / @get (or $) tags to define and retrieve variables within a KDoc. Powerful in combination with @include.
Used like @set KEY some content, @get KEY some default.
Shortcuts for {@get .} are $KEY, $KEY=default, ${KEY}, and ${KEY=some default}.
@comment tag to comment out parts of your modified KDoc.
Used like @comment Some comment text.
@sample / @sampleNoComments tags to include code samples into your KDoc.
Used like @sample [Reference.To.Element].
If present, only code in between // SampleStart and // SampleEnd is taken. @sampleNoComments excludes KDoc from the sample.
@exportAsHtmlStart / @exportAsHtmlEnd to mark a range of KDoc for the @ExportAsHtml annotation. EXPORT_AS_HTML_DOC_PROCESSOR
A processor that removes all escape characters ("\") from your KDoc comments. REMOVE_ESCAPE_CHARS_PROCESSOR
A processor that removes all KDoc comments. NO_DOC_PROCESSOR
A processor that adds a /** TODO */ comment wherever there is no KDoc comment. TODO_DOC_PROCESSOR

See the Wiki for more information on the tags.

Of course, you can also try to make your own preprocessor (see Custom Processors). For instance, you could make a processor that makes all KDoc comments uppercase, a tag processor that automatically inserts URLs to your website, or simply a processor that produces errors or warnings for incorrect doc usage.

The sky is the limit :)

@ExcludeFromSources annotation

If you want to exclude any annotatable element from the sources.jar. Create an annotation class named exactly "ExcludeFromSources" (you can copy the code from here) and annotate the elements you want to exclude with it. This is especially useful for "temporary" documentation interfaces, only there to provide documentation for other elements.

@ExportAsHtml annotation

To export a KDoc comment as HTML, you can use the @ExportAsHtml annotation. Create an annotation class named exactly "ExportAsHtml" and add the arguments theme: Boolean and stripReferences: Boolean (default both to true) (you can copy the code from here). Then, add the annotation to the element you want to export as HTML.

Inside the KDoc comment, you can mark a range of text to be exported as HTML by using the optional @exportAsHtmlStart and @exportAsHtmlEnd tags.

In the Gradle task the HTML will be generated in the folder specified in the exportAsHtml block of the ProcessDocTask (see below). In the IntelliJ plugin, a gutter icon will appear that can take you to the generated HTML file.

How to get it

From Gradle Plugins

In your project's settings.gradle.kts or build.gradle add:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {

In build.gradle.kts or build.gradle add id("nl.jolanrensen.kodex") version "{ VERSION }" to plugins { .. }.

From sources

Clone the project and run ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal in the source folder.

In your project's settings.gradle.kts or settings.gradle add:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {

In build.gradle.kts or build.gradle add id("nl.jolanrensen.kodex") version "{ VERSION }" to plugins { .. }.

How to use

Say you want to create a task that will run when you're making a sources.jar such that the modified files appear in the Jar:


import nl.jolanrensen.kodex.gradle.*
import nl.jolanrensen.kodex.defaultProcessors.*
import org.gradle.jvm.tasks.Jar


plugins {
    id("nl.jolanrensen.kodex") version "{ VERSION }"


// Backup the kotlin source files location
val kotlinMainSources = kotlin.sourceSets.main.get().kotlin.sourceDirectories

// Create the processing task and point it to the right sources. 
// This can also be the test sources for instance.
val processKdocMain by creatingProcessDocTask(sources = kotlinMainSources) {

    // Optional. The target folder of the processed files. By default ${project.buildDir}/kodex/${taskName}.
    target = file(..)

    // Optional. The processors you want to use in this task. If unspecified, the default processors will be used.
    // The recommended order of default processors is as follows:
    processors = listOf(
        COMMENT_DOC_PROCESSOR, // The @comment processor
        INCLUDE_DOC_PROCESSOR, // The @include processor
        INCLUDE_FILE_DOC_PROCESSOR, // The @includeFile processor
        ARG_DOC_PROCESSOR, // The @set and @get / $ processor
        SAMPLE_DOC_PROCESSOR, // The @sample and @sampleNoComments processor
        EXPORT_AS_HTML_DOC_PROCESSOR, // The @exportAsHtmlStart and @exportAsHtmlEnd tags for @ExportAsHtml
        REMOVE_ESCAPE_CHARS_PROCESSOR, // The processor that removes escape characters

        "com.example.plugin.ExampleDocProcessor", // A custom processor if you have one, see below

    // Optional. Send specific arguments to processors.
    arguments += ARG_DOC_PROCESSOR_LOG_NOT_FOUND to false

    // Optional dependencies for this task. These dependencies can introduce custom processors.
    dependencies {

    // Optional, defines where @ExportAsHtml will put the generated HTML files. By default ${project.buildDir}/kodex/${taskName}/htmlExports.
    exportAsHtml {
      dir = file("../docs/StardustDocs/snippets")

// Modify all Jar tasks such that before running the Kotlin sources are set to 
// the target of processKdocMain and they are returned back to normal afterwards.
tasks.withType<Jar> {
    outputs.upToDateWhen { false }

    doFirst {
        kotlin {
            sourceSets {
                main {

    doLast {
        kotlin {
            sourceSets {
                main {


// As a bonus, this will update dokka to use the processed files as sources as well.
tasks.withType<org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.AbstractDokkaLeafTask> {
    dokkaSourceSets {
        all {


import nl.jolanrensen.kodex.gradle.*
import nl.jolanrensen.kodex.defaultProcessors.*
import org.gradle.jvm.tasks.Jar


plugins {
    id "nl.jolanrensen.kodex" version "{ VERSION }"


// Backup the kotlin source files location
def kotlinMainSources = kotlin.sourceSets.main.kotlin.sourceDirectories

// Create the processing task and point it to the right sources. 
// This can also be the test sources for instance.
def processKdocMain = tasks.register('processKdocMain', ProcessDocTask) {

    // Optional. The target folder of the processed files. By default ${project.buildDir}/kodex/${taskName}.
    target file(..)

    // Optional. The processors you want to use in this task. If unspecified, the default processors will be used.
    // The recommended order of default processors is as follows:
        CommentDocProcessorKt.COMMENT_DOC_PROCESSOR, // The @comment processor
        IncludeDocProcessorKt.INCLUDE_DOC_PROCESSOR, // The @include processor
        IncludeFileDocProcessorKt.INCLUDE_FILE_DOC_PROCESSOR, // The @includeFile processor
        ArgDocProcessorKt.ARG_DOC_PROCESSOR, // The @set and @get / $ processor
        SampleDocProcessorKt.SAMPLE_DOC_PROCESSOR, // The @sample and @sampleNoComments processor
        ExportAsHtmlDocProcessorKt.EXPORT_AS_HTML_DOC_PROCESSOR, // The @exportAsHtmlStart and @exportAsHtmlEnd tags for @ExportAsHtml
        RemoveEscapeCharsProcessorKt.REMOVE_ESCAPE_CHARS_PROCESSOR, // The processor that removes escape characters

        "com.example.plugin.ExampleDocProcessor", // A custom processor if you have one, see below

    // Optional. Send specific arguments to processors.
    arguments[IncludeArgDocProcessorKt.ARG_DOC_PROCESSOR] = false

    // Optional dependencies for this task. These dependencies can introduce custom processors.
    dependencies {
        plugin "com.example:plugin:SOME_VERSION"

    // Optional, defines where @ExportAsHtml will put the generated HTML files. By default ${project.buildDir}/kodex/${taskName}/htmlExports.
    exportAsHtmlDir = file("../docs/StardustDocs/snippets")


// Modify all Jar tasks such that before running the Kotlin sources are set to 
// the target of processKdocMain and they are returned back to normal afterwards.
tasks.withType(Jar).configureEach {
    outputs.upToDateWhen { false }

    doFirst {
        kotlin {
            sourceSets {
                main {
                    kotlin.srcDirs = processKdocMain.targets

    doLast {
        kotlin {
            sourceSets {
                main {
                    kotlin.srcDirs = kotlinMainSources


// As a bonus, this will update dokka to use the processed files as sources as well.
    tasks.withType(org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.AbstractDokkaLeafTask).configureEach {
        dokkaSourceSets.with {
            configureEach {

Recommended order of default processors

While you can use the processors in any order and leave out some or include others, the recommended order is as follows:

  • COMMENT_DOC_PROCESSOR: The @comment processor
  • INCLUDE_DOC_PROCESSOR: The @include processor
  • INCLUDE_FILE_DOC_PROCESSOR: The @includeFile processor
  • ARG_DOC_PROCESSOR: The @set and @get / $ processor. This runs @set first and then @get / $.
  • SAMPLE_DOC_PROCESSOR: The @sample and @sampleNoComments processor
  • EXPORT_AS_HTML_DOC_PROCESSOR: The @exportAsHtmlStart and @exportAsHtmlEnd tags for @ExportAsHtml
  • REMOVE_ESCAPE_CHARS_PROCESSOR: The processor that removes escape characters

The @comment processor is recommended to be the first processor, such that its contents are removed before any other processor runs. Next, we ensure that @set/@get are processed after @include and @includeFile such that any arguments that appear by them are available for the @set/@get processor. @sample and @sampleNoComments are recommended to be last of the tag processors, as processing of inline tags inside comments of @sample might not be desired. Finally, the REMOVE_ESCAPE_CHARS_PROCESSOR is recommended to be last to clean up any escape characters that might have been introduced by the user to evade some parts of the docs from being processed.

Regarding Tags

Block-tags in KDocs and JavaDocs are structured in a list-like structure and are thus also parsed and processed like that. For example, the following KDoc:

 * Some extra text
 * @a [Test2]
 * Hi there!
 * @b source someFun
 * Some more text. {@c
 * @d [Test1] (
 * }
 * @e)

will be split up in blocks as follows:

  "\nSome extra text",
  "@a [Test2]\nHi there!",
  "@b source someFun\nSome more text. (\n{@c [Test1] (\n}",

This is also how tag processors receive their block-data (note that any newlines after the @tag are also included as part of the tag data).

Most tag processors only require a tiny number of arguments. They can decide what to do when they receive more arguments by the user. Most tag processors, like @include, @sample, and @includeFile all have systems in place that will preserve the content after the tag. Take this into account when writing your own processors.

To avoid any confusion, it's usually easier to stick to {@inline tags} as then it's clear which part of the doc belongs to the tag and what does not. Inline tags are processed before block tags per processor.

Take extra care when using tags that can introduce new tags, such as @include, as this will cause the structure of the doc to change mid-processing. Very powerful, but also potentially dangerous. If something weird happens, try to disable some processors to understand what's happening.

How the Gradle Plugin Works

  • The sources provided to the plugin are read and analyzed by Dokka's default SourceToDocumentableTranslators.
  • All Documentables are saved in a map by their path (e.g. com.example.plugin.Class1.function1) and their extension path.
  • Next, the documentation contents, location in the file, and indents are collected from each documentable in the map.
  • All processors are run in sequence on the collected documentables with their data:
    • All documentables are iterated over and tag processors, like @include, will replace all tags with new content.
  • Finally, all files from the source are copied over to a destination folder, and if there are any modifications that need to be made in a file, the specified ranges for each documentation are replaced with the new documentation.

Custom processors

You can create an extension for the Gradle plugin with your own processors by either extending the abstract TagDocProcessor class or implementing the DocProcessor interface, depending on how much control you need over the docs.

Make sure to depend on the right module by adding the following to your build.gradle.kts or build.gradle file:

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation("nl.jolanrensen.kodex:kodex-common:{ VERSION }")
    compileOnly("nl.jolanrensen.kodex:kodex-gradle-plugin:{ VERSION }")

Let's create a small example processor:

package com.example.plugin

import nl.jolanrensen.kodex.documentableWrapper.DocumentableWrapper
import nl.jolanrensen.kodex.processor.TagDocProcessor
import nl.jolanrensen.kodex.utils.getTagArguments

class ExampleDocProcessor : TagDocProcessor() {

    /** We'll intercept @example tags. */
    override val providesTags: Set<String> = setOf("example")

    /** How `{@inner tags}` are processed. */
    override fun processInlineTagWithContent(
        tagWithContent: String,
        path: String,
        documentable: DocumentableWrapper,
    ): String = processContent(tagWithContent)

    /** How `  @normal tags` are processed. */
    override fun processBlockTagWithContent(
        tagWithContent: String,
        path: String,
        documentable: DocumentableWrapper,
    ): String = processContent(tagWithContent)

    // We can use the same function for both processInnerTagWithContent and processTagWithContent
    private fun processContent(tagWithContent: String): String {

        // We can log stuff, if we want to, using { "Hi from the example logs!" }

        // We can get the content after the @example tag.
        val contentWithoutTag = tagWithContent
            .getTagArguments(tag = "example", numberOfArguments = 1)
            .trimEnd() // remove trailing whitespaces/newlines

        // While we can play with the other arguments, let's just return some simple modified content
        var newContent =
            "Hi from the example doc processor! Here's the content after the @example tag: \"$contentWithoutTag\""

        // Since we trimmed all trailing newlines from the content, we'll add one back if they were there.
        if (tagWithContent.endsWith("\n"))
            newContent += "\n"

        return newContent

For the processor to be detectable, we need to add this to the src/main/resources/META-INF/services/nl.jolanrensen.kodex.processor.DocProcessor file:


and then publish the project somewhere it can be used by other projects.

Add the published project as dependency in your other project's build.gradle.kts file in your created doc process task (as described in the How to Use section), both in the dependencies and in the processors list.

Now, if that project contains a function like:

 * Main function.
 * @example Example
fun main() {
    println("Hello World!")

The output will be:

 * Main function.
 * Hi from the example doc processor! Here's the content after the @example tag: "Example"
fun main() {
    println("Hello World!")

See the defaultProcessor folder in the project for more examples!

IntelliJ Plugin (Beta)

Aside from a Gradle plugin, the project also contains an IntelliJ plugin that allows you to preview the rendered documentation directly in the IDE. image

It now also helps with writing the documentation by providing completion, highlighting, and descriptions for the tags.

Now on the Marketplace!

You can also try building the plugin yourself from sources and installing it in IntelliJ. The plugin in its current state is unconfigurable and just uses the default processors as shown in the sample above. Also, it uses the IDE engine to resolve references. This is because it's a lot faster than my own engine + Dokka, but it does mean that there might be some differences with the preview and how it will look in the final docs. So, take this into account.

I'm still working on connecting it to the Gradle plugin somehow or providing a way to configure it correctly, but until then, you can use it as is and be more efficient in your documentation writing!