A GitHub Action built with Probot for adding size labels to PRs
name: "Pull Request Size Labelling"
- opened
- reopened
- synchronize
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: JoshwJB/pull-request-size-labelling-probot@LATEST_RELEASE # Currently this is v1.2.2, so this would be JoshwJB/pull-request-size-labelling-probot@v1.2.2
Add a new file under .github/pullRequestSizing.yml
and add the config below to it, updating any values you wish to change.
You can use the labels section to enable/disable the lines changed and files changed labelling independantly.
features: # Control which labels are enabled
lines: true
files: true
omitted: [] # Define any regexs for files/directories you wish to omit from being counter e.g. ".*.yarn/.*" will prevent any changes in the yarn folder from being counted
createLabels: true # Enable this only the first time, then change it to false
lines: # Config for lines labels
sizing: # Define lines changed breakpoints e.g. lines changed > 1000 is XXL
xxl: 1000
xl: 500
l: 250
m: 100
s: 20
colours: # Set label colours for each size
xxl: "#25066C"
xl: "#3709A1"
l: "#4A0CD6"
m: "#8B5CF6"
s: "#C2A9FA"
xs: "#DED0FC"
prefix: "lines/" # Change the prefix for the label e.g. "líneas/"
files: # Config for files labels
sizing: # Define files changed breakpoints e.g. files changed > 60 is XXL
xxl: 60
xl: 40
l: 25
m: 10
s: 5
colours: # Set label colours for each size
xxl: "#542E03"
xl: "#854E05"
l: "#E79609"
m: "#F8C345"
s: "#FADB76"
xs: "#FBE58E"
prefix: "files/" # Change the prefix for the label e.g. "archivos/"
ISC © 2022 Joshua William John Barber