Utility package for efficient tracking of optimization histories, training curves or other information of arbitrary types and at arbitrarily spaced sampling times
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This package is registered in METADATA.jl
and can be installed as usual
using ValueHistories
We provide two basic approaches for logging information over time or iterations. The sample points do not have to be equally spaced as long as time/iteration is strictly increasing.
- Univalue histories: Intended for tracking the evolution of a single value over time.
- Multivalue histories: Track an arbitrary amount of values over time, each of which can be of a different type and associated with a label
Note that both approaches are typestable.
This package provide two different concrete implementations
: Logs the values using aDequeue
: Logs the values using aVector
Supported operations for univalue histories:
push!(history, iteration, value)
: Appends a value to the historyget(history)
: Returns all available observations as two vectors. The first vector contains the iterations and the second vector contains the values.enumerate(history)
Returns an enumerator over the observations (as tuples)first(history)
: First stored observation (as tuple)last(history)
: Last stored observation (as tuple)length(history)
: Number of stored observations
Here is a little example code showing the basic usage:
# Specify the type of value you wish to track
history = QHistory(Float64)
for i = 1:100
# Store some value of the specified type
# Note how the sampling times are not equally spaced
isprime(i) && push!(history, i, sin(.1*i))
# Access stored values as arrays
x, y = get(history)
@assert typeof(x) <: Vector{Int}
@assert typeof(y) <: Vector{Float64}
# You can also enumerate over the observations
for (x, y) in enumerate(history)
@assert typeof(x) <: Int
@assert typeof(y) <: Float64
# Let's see how this prints to the REPL
types: Int64, Float64
length: 25
For easy visualisation we also provide recipes for Plots.jl
Note that this is only supported for Real
using Plots
plot(history, legend=false)
Multivalue histories are more or less a dynamic collection of a number
of univalue histories. Each individual univalue history is associated
with a symbol key
. If the user stores a value under a key
has no univalue history associated with it, then a new one is allocated
and specialized for the given type.
Supported operations for multivalue histories:
push!(history, key, iteration, value)
: Appends a value to the multivalue historyget(history, key)
: Returns all available observations as two vectors. The first vector contains the iterations and the second vector contains the values.enumerate(history, key)
Returns an enumerator over the observations (as tuples)first(history, key)
: First stored observation (as tuple)last(history, key)
: Last stored observation (as tuple)length(history, key)
: Number of stored observations
Here is a little example code showing the basic usage:
history = MVHistory()
for i=1:100
x = 0.1i
# Store any kind of value without losing type stability
# The first push! to a key defines the tracked type
# push!(history, key, iter, value)
push!(history, :mysin, x, sin(x))
push!(history, :mystring, i, "i=$i")
# Sampling times can be arbitrarily spaced
# Note how we store the sampling time as a Float32 this time
isprime(i) && push!(history, :mycos, Float32(x), cos(x))
# Access stored values as arrays
x, y = get(history, :mysin)
@assert length(x) == length(y) == 100
@assert typeof(x) <: Vector{Float64}
@assert typeof(y) <: Vector{Float64}
# Each key can be queried individually
x, y = get(history, :mystring)
@assert length(x) == length(y) == 100
@assert typeof(x) <: Vector{Int64}
@assert typeof(y) <: Vector{ASCIIString}
@assert y[1] == "i=1"
# You can also enumerate over the observations
for (x, y) in enumerate(history, :mycos)
@assert typeof(x) <: Float32
@assert typeof(y) <: Float64
# Let's see how this prints to the REPL
:mysin => 100 elements {Float64,Float64}
:mystring => 100 elements {Int64,ASCIIString}
:mycos => 25 elements {Float32,Float64}
For easy visualisation we also provide recipes for Plots.jl
Note that this is only supported for Real
using Plots
Compilation already taken into account. The code can be found here
Baseline: 100000 loops that accumulates a Float64
0.000127 seconds (5 allocations: 176 bytes)
History: 100000 loops tracking accumulator as Float64
0.003651 seconds (33 allocations: 4.001 MB)
History: Converting result into arrays
0.000010 seconds (3 allocations: 96 bytes)
QHistory: 100000 loops tracking accumulator as Float64
0.002141 seconds (195 allocations: 1.529 MB)
QHistory: Converting result into arrays
0.217000 seconds (1.60 M allocations: 35.067 MB, 3.63% gc time)
MVHistory: 100000 loops tracking accumulator as Float64 and String
0.185134 seconds (1.70 M allocations: 62.937 MB, 31.24% gc time)
MVHistory: Converting result into arrays
0.194542 seconds (1.39 M allocations: 28.914 MB, 25.88% gc time)
This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.