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Provide all format suggestions in AlternatFormat Code Action (haskell…
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* Insert Language Extensions when required

- Add new function that converts a NextPragmaInfo (identifies the
  location to insert a new Pragma) into an Insertion that will insert
  the new Extension

- Provide all format choices instead of only currently active extensions

* Update Test Suite

* Update Documentation

* Miscellaneous Cleanup

* Push extraneous functions into where bindings

* Remove unneeded logging

* Add Haskell2010 pragma to fix 9.2 tests

Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
2 people authored and July541 committed Mar 29, 2022
1 parent e9ccff2 commit b8bfd84
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Showing 19 changed files with 193 additions and 151 deletions.
13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Spans/Pragmas.hs
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module Development.IDE.Spans.Pragmas
( NextPragmaInfo(..)
, LineSplitTextEdits(..)
, getNextPragmaInfo ) where
, getNextPragmaInfo
, insertNewPragma ) where

import Data.Bits (Bits (setBit))
import Data.Function ((&))
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Development.IDE (srcSpanToRange)
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat.Util
import GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type (Extension)
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP

getNextPragmaInfo :: DynFlags -> Maybe Text -> NextPragmaInfo
Expand All @@ -29,6 +31,13 @@ getNextPragmaInfo dynFlags sourceText =
| otherwise
-> NextPragmaInfo 0 Nothing

insertNewPragma :: NextPragmaInfo -> Extension -> LSP.TextEdit
insertNewPragma (NextPragmaInfo _ (Just (LineSplitTextEdits ins _))) newPragma = ins { LSP._newText = "{-# LANGUAGE " <> pack (show newPragma) <> " #-}\n" } :: LSP.TextEdit
insertNewPragma (NextPragmaInfo nextPragmaLine _) newPragma = LSP.TextEdit pragmaInsertRange $ "{-# LANGUAGE " <> pack (show newPragma) <> " #-}\n"
pragmaInsertPosition = LSP.Position (fromIntegral nextPragmaLine) 0
pragmaInsertRange = LSP.Range pragmaInsertPosition pragmaInsertPosition

-- Pre-declaration comments parser -----------------------------------------------------

-- | Each mode represents the "strongest" thing we've seen so far.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion haskell-language-server.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ common splice

common alternateNumberFormat
if flag(alternateNumberFormat)
build-depends: hls-alternate-number-format-plugin ^>=
build-depends: hls-alternate-number-format-plugin ^>=
cpp-options: -DalternateNumberFormat

common qualifyImportedNames
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Binary file modified plugins/hls-alternate-number-format-plugin/HLSAll.gif
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
18 changes: 7 additions & 11 deletions plugins/hls-alternate-number-format-plugin/
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The alternate number format plugin provides alternative formatting for Numeric Literals in source code.
These can be any numeric literal such as `123`, `0x45` or any of the other numeric formats.
The plugin is context aware and will provide suggestions based on currently active GHC extensions.
The Code Action will provide all possible formatting suggestions (and when required insert the associated Language Extension)

## Setup

Expand All @@ -22,18 +22,10 @@ The plugin requires no extra setup to work. Simply place your cursor on top of a
The plugin is relatively simple, it traverses a files source contents using the GHC API. As it encounters Literals (of the type `HsExpr` with the constructor of either `HsLit` or `HsOverLit`), it will construct an internal `Literal` datatype that has additional information for use to generate suggestions.
Currently, the traversal is done in the file, `Literal.hs`, using the package [SYB]( for most of the heavy lifting.

The plugin extends on top of SYB as the traversal done by basic combinators is not perfect. For whatever reason, when starting at the root `ParsedModule` the SYB traversal ignores Pattern Binds (`LPat GhcPs`). As a result, a combinator was created to match on TWO separate underlying types to dispatch on.

To generate suggestions, the plugin leverages the `Numeric` package which provides a multitude of conversion functions to and from strings/numerics. The only slight change is the addition of extra work when using `NumDecimals` extension. The plugin will attempt to generate 3 choices for the user (this choice is not given for `Fractional` numerics).
To generate suggestions, the plugin leverages the `Numeric` package which provides a multitude of conversion functions to and from strings/numerics.

### Known Quirks
- Currently (and probably inefficiently), a Set is used as general accumulator for all Literals being captured. This is because again, through the intricacies of using SYB, we somehow will traverse Source Text multiple times and collect duplicate literals.

- In the Test Suite, we are required to be explicit in where our `codeActions` will occur. Otherwise, a simple call to `getAllCodeActions` will not work, for whatever reason, there is not enough time to generate the code actions.

- `PrimLiterals` are currently ignored. GHC API does not attach Source Text to Primitive Literal Nodes. As such these are ignored in the plugin.

- Similarly, anything that produces a bad Source Span (i.e. can't be easily replaced by an edit) is ignored as well.
- Anything that produces a bad Source Span (i.e. can't be easily replaced by an edit) is ignored as well.

## Changelog
Expand All @@ -48,3 +40,7 @@ To generate suggestions, the plugin leverages the `Numeric` package which provid
- Test Suite upgraded for 9.2 semantics (GHC2021)
- Fix SYB parsing with GHC 9.2

- Provide ALL possible formats as suggestions
- Insert Language Extensions when needed
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cabal-version: 2.4
name: hls-alternate-number-format-plugin
synopsis: Provide Alternate Number Formats plugin for Haskell Language Server
Please see the README on GitHub at <>
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Ide.Plugin.AlternateNumberFormat (descriptor, Log(..)) where

import Control.Lens ((^.))
Expand All @@ -10,18 +11,25 @@ import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE (GetParsedModule (GetParsedModule),
GhcSession (GhcSession),
IdeState, RuleResult, Rules,
define, ideLogger,
define, getFileContents,
hscEnv, ideLogger,
realSrcSpanToRange, runAction,
use, useWithStale)
import qualified Development.IDE.Core.Shake as Shake
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat hiding (getSrcSpan)
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat.Util (toList)
import Development.IDE.Graph.Classes (Hashable, NFData)
import Development.IDE.Graph.Classes (Hashable, NFData, rnf)
import Development.IDE.Spans.Pragmas (NextPragmaInfo,
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger as Logger
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Ide.Plugin.Conversion (FormatType, alternateFormat,
import GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type (Extension)
import Ide.Plugin.Conversion (AlternateFormat,
ExtensionNeeded (NeedsExtension, NoExtension),
import Ide.Plugin.Literals
import Ide.PluginUtils (handleMaybe, handleMaybeM,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,10 +58,15 @@ instance NFData CollectLiterals
type instance RuleResult CollectLiterals = CollectLiteralsResult

data CollectLiteralsResult = CLR
{ literals :: [Literal]
, formatTypes :: [FormatType]
{ literals :: [Literal]
, enabledExtensions :: [GhcExtension]
} deriving (Generic)

newtype GhcExtension = GhcExtension { unExt :: Extension }

instance NFData GhcExtension where
rnf x = x `seq` ()

instance Show CollectLiteralsResult where
show _ = "<CollectLiteralResult>"

Expand All @@ -63,49 +76,65 @@ collectLiteralsRule :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> Rules ()
collectLiteralsRule recorder = define (cmapWithPrio LogShake recorder) $ \CollectLiterals nfp -> do
pm <- use GetParsedModule nfp
-- get the current extensions active and transform them into FormatTypes
let fmts = getFormatTypes <$> pm
let exts = getExtensions <$> pm
-- collect all the literals for a file
lits = collectLiterals . pm_parsed_source <$> pm
pure ([], CLR <$> lits <*> fmts)
pure ([], CLR <$> lits <*> exts)
getFormatTypes = toFormatTypes . toList . extensionFlags . ms_hspp_opts . pm_mod_summary
getExtensions = map GhcExtension . toList . extensionFlags . ms_hspp_opts . pm_mod_summary

codeActionHandler :: PluginMethodHandler IdeState 'TextDocumentCodeAction
codeActionHandler state _ (CodeActionParams _ _ docId currRange _) = response $ do
nfp <- getNormalizedFilePath docId
CLR{..} <- requestLiterals state nfp
pragma <- getFirstPragma state nfp
-- remove any invalid literals (see validTarget comment)
let litsInRange = filter inCurrentRange literals
-- generate alternateFormats and zip with the literal that generated the alternates
literalPairs = map (\lit -> (lit, alternateFormat formatTypes lit)) litsInRange
literalPairs = map (\lit -> (lit, alternateFormat lit)) litsInRange
-- make a code action for every literal and its' alternates (then flatten the result)
actions = concatMap (\(lit, alts) -> map (mkCodeAction nfp lit) alts) literalPairs

logIO state $ "Literals: " <> show literals
actions = concatMap (\(lit, alts) -> map (mkCodeAction nfp lit enabledExtensions pragma) alts) literalPairs

pure $ List actions
inCurrentRange :: Literal -> Bool
inCurrentRange lit = let srcSpan = getSrcSpan lit
in currRange `contains` srcSpan

mkCodeAction :: NormalizedFilePath -> Literal -> Text -> Command |? CodeAction
mkCodeAction nfp lit alt = InR CodeAction {
_title = "Convert " <> getSrcText lit <> " into " <> alt
mkCodeAction :: NormalizedFilePath -> Literal -> [GhcExtension] -> NextPragmaInfo -> AlternateFormat -> Command |? CodeAction
mkCodeAction nfp lit enabled npi af@(alt, ext) = InR CodeAction {
_title = mkCodeActionTitle lit af enabled
, _kind = Just $ CodeActionUnknown ""
, _diagnostics = Nothing
, _isPreferred = Nothing
, _disabled = Nothing
, _edit = Just $ mkWorkspaceEdit nfp lit alt
, _edit = Just $ mkWorkspaceEdit nfp edits
, _command = Nothing
, _xdata = Nothing
edits = [TextEdit (realSrcSpanToRange $ getSrcSpan lit) alt] <> pragmaEdit
pragmaEdit = case ext of
NeedsExtension ext' -> [insertNewPragma npi ext' | needsExtension ext' enabled]
NoExtension -> []

mkWorkspaceEdit :: NormalizedFilePath -> Literal -> Text -> WorkspaceEdit
mkWorkspaceEdit nfp lit alt = WorkspaceEdit changes Nothing Nothing
mkWorkspaceEdit :: NormalizedFilePath -> [TextEdit] -> WorkspaceEdit
mkWorkspaceEdit nfp edits = WorkspaceEdit changes Nothing Nothing
txtEdit = TextEdit (realSrcSpanToRange $ getSrcSpan lit) alt
changes = Just $ HashMap.fromList [( filePathToUri $ fromNormalizedFilePath nfp, List [txtEdit])]
changes = Just $ HashMap.fromList [(filePathToUri $ fromNormalizedFilePath nfp, List edits)]

mkCodeActionTitle :: Literal -> AlternateFormat -> [GhcExtension] -> Text
mkCodeActionTitle lit (alt, ext) ghcExts
| (NeedsExtension ext') <- ext
, needsExtension ext' ghcExts = title <> " (needs extension: " <> T.pack (show ext') <> ")"
| otherwise = title
title = "Convert " <> getSrcText lit <> " into " <> alt

-- | Checks whether the extension given is already enabled
needsExtension :: Extension -> [GhcExtension] -> Bool
needsExtension ext ghcExts = ext `notElem` map unExt ghcExts

-- from HaddockComments.hs
contains :: Range -> RealSrcSpan -> Bool
Expand All @@ -114,6 +143,15 @@ contains Range {_start, _end} x = isInsideRealSrcSpan _start x || isInsideRealSr
isInsideRealSrcSpan :: Position -> RealSrcSpan -> Bool
p `isInsideRealSrcSpan` r = let (Range sp ep) = realSrcSpanToRange r in sp <= p && p <= ep

getFirstPragma :: MonadIO m => IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> ExceptT String m NextPragmaInfo
getFirstPragma state nfp = handleMaybeM "Error: Could not get NextPragmaInfo" $ do
ghcSession <- liftIO $ runAction "AlternateNumberFormat.GhcSession" state $ useWithStale GhcSession nfp
(_, fileContents) <- liftIO $ runAction "AlternateNumberFormat.GetFileContents" state $ getFileContents nfp
case ghcSession of
Just (hscEnv -> hsc_dflags -> sessionDynFlags, _) -> pure $ Just $ getNextPragmaInfo sessionDynFlags fileContents
Nothing -> pure Nothing

getNormalizedFilePath :: Monad m => TextDocumentIdentifier -> ExceptT String m NormalizedFilePath
getNormalizedFilePath docId = handleMaybe "Error: converting to NormalizedFilePath"
$ uriToNormalizedFilePath
Expand All @@ -124,7 +162,3 @@ requestLiterals state = handleMaybeM "Error: Could not Collect Literals"
. liftIO
. runAction "AlternateNumberFormat.CollectLiterals" state
. use CollectLiterals

logIO :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => IdeState -> a -> m ()
logIO state = liftIO . Logger.logDebug (ideLogger state) . T.pack . show


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