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Quickstart Guide

Jussi Saarivirta edited this page Jan 21, 2023 · 8 revisions

Installing watney-solve

First thing to do is to download the CLI app.

Current release: v1.2.0

Download (Windows, Linux, OSX)

Choose the correct package for your OS and architecture.

Next you will need a catalog star quad database to go with the app.

Download from releases

The pre-built quad database has been split into multiple smaller downloads. Depending on your telescope setup you'll need to download one or more files. The properties of each database file set are explained in the wiki; in short, the files cover different field radius ranges.

Extract the solver to any directory you want, and the quad database files to another directory. Configure your solver by editing the watney-solve-config.yml text file, set the path to the quad database directory there.

Once you have the database and the configuration is correct, your solver is good to go!

Explore the command line options and examples by running watney-solve nearby and watney-solve blind.