As of March 3rd, 2024, this repository has been archived and will not receive more updates. I don't have time to put into this project currently, but I encourage anybody that's adamant about fixing it to fork it and make it better!
HeadDrops is a server plugin made for Spigot servers running versions 1.8.8 - 1.18.2. The plugin alters the player experience by allowing players on the server to drop their heads when they die.
To build the project, you will need:
Clone the repository
git clone
From the root directory of the cloned source code, run:
mvn package
Move the generated JAR file (located in /target directory) to your server/plugins directory
Start your server
The plugin contains a custom event that you can hook into that allows you alter the default behavior of the plugin from your own plugin. Below is an example of how you can make all head drops be pumpkins.
public void onHeadDropped(HeadDropEvent event)
// Get the head that is supposed to be dropped
ItemStack originalHead = event.getHeadDrop();
// Implement your changes... For example, maybe it's Halloween, and you want all head drops to be a pumpkin head
event.setHeadDrop(new ItemStack(Material.PUMPKIN));
For more information on this plugin, please refer to the official plugin page.