This repository contains the RMF Door Adapter that interfaces with Megazo's Door Access System ICAD v3.
cd $HOME
git clone --depth 1 --single-branch --branch main && cd door_adapter_megazo
docker build -t door_adapter_megazo:humble .
docker run -it --rm \
--name door_adapter_megazo_c \
--network host \
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \
door_adapter_megazo:humble /bin/bash -c "source / && ros2 run door_adapter_megazo door_adapter"
Upon the running the command above, it should output similar to what is shown below:
[INFO] [1729654097.436618736] [door_adapter_megazo]: Initialising [door_adapter_megazo]...
[INFO] [1729654097.472651911] [door_adapter_megazo]: Connected to door client API.
[INFO] [1729654098.498656692] [door_adapter_megazo]: Door [Lab_D01] [MODE_CLOSED]
[INFO] [1729654099.511240654] [door_adapter_megazo]: Door [Lab_D01] [MODE_CLOSED]
[INFO] [1729654100.514910118] [door_adapter_megazo]: Door [Lab_D01] [MODE_CLOSED]
[INFO] [1729654101.502347821] [door_adapter_megazo]: Door [Lab_D01] [MODE_CLOSED]
To allow door_adapter_megazo
to be configured for custom deployment, please edit the following in config.yaml
- door name and id
Set the same as the door on your RMF Map
- door_auto_closes
Set to True if door remains closed until requested open, and automatically closes if it does not receive subsequent open requests.
- door_signal_period
Set time taken for door signal to be effective, in seconds.
- continuous_status_polling
Set whether to keep checking door state when there are no requests.
- header_key, header_value
Set the Megazo API username and password respectively. Please contact the Megazo vendor for details.
- enable_mqtt_status_polling
Set whether to poll a door status using MQTT or not. Use when conventional approach is inaccurate.
We welcome contributions! Please see the contribution guidelines.
- Bey Hao Yun (Gary)