By using the ExeTera R Wrapper, you can call ExeTera functions from R environment.
For more details, please refer to
ExeTera is a reproducible analysis pipelines for large tabular datasets.
By utlizing column based data storage and efficient data processing algorithms, ExeTera can handle 100G+ of dataset on a single machine. Benefit from the community powered Python libraries, ExeTera provides easiler access and better performance than SQL
Please follow the steps below to use ExeTera R wrapper:
1, Make sure you have installed python, ExeTera and ExeTeraCovid;
2, Make sure you have installed R environment, and two R packages: reticulate( and devtools.
3, You can then load the the wrapper through load_all('/path/to/the/wrapper/code')
4, For run the example notebook in Jupyter, please install the R package IRkernel(