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CI License: MIT

The whole brand-new iKMU Android app, providing you with its enchantment function.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Things you need to install the software and how to install them.

1. Apktool


  1. Download Windows wrapper script (Right click, Save Link As apktool.bat)
  2. Download apktool_2.4.1.jar
  3. Rename downloaded jar to apktool.jar
  4. Move both files (apktool.jar & apktool.bat) to your Windows directory (Usually C://Windows)
  5. If you do not have access to C://Windows, you may place the two files anywhere then add that directory to your Environment Variables System PATH variable.
  6. Try running apktool via command prompt


  1. Download Linux wrapper script (Right click, Save Link As apktool)
  2. Download apktool_2.4.1.jar
  3. Rename downloaded jar to apktool.jar
  4. Move both files (apktool.jar & apktool) to /usr/local/bin (root needed)
  5. Make sure both files are executable (chmod +x)
  6. Try running apktool via cli

Mac OS X:

  1. Download Mac wrapper script (Right click, Save Link As apktool)
  2. Download apktool_2.4.1.jar
  3. Rename downloaded jar to apktool.jar
  4. Move both files (apktool.jar & apktool) to /usr/local/bin (root needed)
  5. Make sure both files are executable (chmod +x)
  6. Try running apktool via cli

Note - Wrapper scripts are not needed, but helpful so you don’t have to type java -jar apktool.jar over and over.

2. Android SDK

Download Android SDK from Android Developer pages, or you can download it by Android Studio using the SDK manager.


apksigner is a command line tool to sign our built apk. You can find it in ${Andrioid_SDK}/build-tools/${version}/apksigner(.bat), and add ${Andrioid_SDK}/build-tools/${version} to your Environment Variables System PATH variable.


Android Debug Bridge (adb) helps us install app and debug. You can find it in ${Andrioid_SDK}/platform-tools/adb(.exe), and add ${Andrioid_SDK}/platform-tools to your Environment Variables System PATH variable.


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running.

  1. To build our apk from the decompiled sources, run apktool to build the apk.

    apktool b .
  2. To sign our apk for installing, run apksigner.


    apksigner sign --ks </path/to/your/keystore> --ks-key-alias <key-alias> --ks-pass <password> dist\iKMU_4.3.3.apk

    Linux / Mac OS

    apksigner sign --ks </path/to/your/keystore> --ks-key-alias <key-alias> --ks-pass <password> dist/iKMU_4.3.3.apk
  3. Install apk through adb.


    adb install -r dist\iKMU_4.3.3.apk

    Linux / Mac OS

    adb install -r dist/iKMU_4.3.3.apk
  4. Start i高醫(iKMU) SplashActivity.

    adb shell am start -n

Built With

  • Apktool - The Android reverse engineering command line tool
  • Smali - An assembler for the dex format used by dalvik


We follow the original i高醫(iKMU) version to name our release. To add our mod version to the orginal version, add the version behind the orginal one.

  • If the version is in development and hasn't finished its function, add snapshot behind the version.

  • If the version is done with all works and ready for test, add alpha behind the version.

  • If the version is tested and ready to release, add beta behind the version.


  • If i高醫(iKMU) version is 4.3.3 and our mod version is 1.0.0, the version will become 4.3.3-1.0.0.

  • If there is a version with i高醫(iKMU) version 4.3.3 and mod version 1.0.0, and it is ready for release, the version will be 4.3.3-1.0.0-beta.

To modify the built apk version, change version in apktool.yml


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


You can find release in Github Release page.

Note: pre-release version may contain bugs, use it carefully!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


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