The repository for the OnSSET code used for the KTH-SNV project for Benin
This repository contains the 2017 version of the OnSSET tool, implemented in Python. To tun the tool four files are needed; two Python files and two input files.
- This file contains all the methods used to perform the calculations of the OnSSET tool.
- This file is used to read the input files, and use the methods defined in to calculate the least-cost investment scenarios.
- Specs.xlsx. This input file contains key data relating to the country or region to be studied.
- BeninCalibrated.csv. This input file contains the GIS data extracted to .csv format required to run the analysis for Benin, after the calibration step (6a below).
To be able to run the code you need to have Python 3 installed, along with a number of packages. The easiest way to get the packages needed may be to download Anaconda. Follow the below steps to use the tool:
- Clone repository in a directory of your preference
- Open and in the IDE of your preference (Pycharm is suggested)
- Install dependencies
- Make sure that specs.csv and Country.csv (e.g. Togo.csv) files are in the same directory. Both files shall follow the format and naming convention as shown in the sample files in this repository. Parameter values can be changed accordingly
- Run and make sure there is no error
- Run a. Select to calibrate the Country.csv as per instructions b. After calibration (taking place only once) start running scenarios as per instructions.
- After a scenario is run two output files will appear in the directory; one containing full results and another providing a summary.
- Import the full result csv file into a GIS environment (QGIS, ArcMap) to vizualize the results.
Read more about the Benin project here:
Find more information about the OnSSET tool at and the user manual at
To create the input .csv file for another country, information and code can be found here:
For any additional information please contact the KTH team here: