This plugin provides an easy way to toggle debugger breakpoints inside nvim
which automatically updates the debugger init file (.lldbinit
etc.) with
matching breakpoints.
If you want a fully integrated debugger inside nvim, this plugin is not for you, consider nvim-dap. The upside of brk.nvim compared to a full dap setup is that it requires zero configuration and works as long as you have a way to run your program under one of the supported debuggers.
Note that delve does not autoload init files in the same way as gdb/lldb, you need to explicitly provide one, brk.nvim uses .dlvinit by default
(cd tests/files/go && dlv debug --init .dlvinit)
GHCi automatically loads .ghci
but brk.nvim writes breakpoints to
by default since the modules that breakpoints are placed in
will not be compiled yet when .ghci
is read. Example usecase:
runhaskell tests/files/hs/Main.hs
(ghci) :script .ghci-init
(ghci) :main ["12"]
The toggle breakpoint function is also setup to insert inline breakpoints for debuggers in some languages, e.g.
- pdb for Python
- kafva/debugger.lua for Lua
- ruby/debug for Ruby
-- Basic configuration, see lua/config.lua for more options
require 'brk'.setup {
-- Enable default mappings:
-- Toggle breakpoint: <F9> or 'db'
-- Insert/Edit/Delete conditional breakpoint: 'dc'
-- Insert/Delete symbol breakpoint: 'ds'
-- Show internal breakpoint list: 'dl'
-- Delete all breakpoints: 'dC'
default_bindings = true,
-- Insert 'run' command at the end of the init file automatically,
-- configured per language
auto_start = {
["c"] = true,
["swift"] = false,
breakpoint_sign = ' ',
conditional_breakpoint_sign = ' ',
breakpoint_color = 'Error',
conditional_breakpoint_color = 'Comment',
-- Preferred debugger when no init file exists
preferred_debugger_format = "lldb",
: Reload debugger init file
To run unit tests (set DEBUG=1
to debug failures)
# Debug a go program in the foreground (e.g. lf) and attach to it
dlv debug --continue --headless --accept-multiclient --listen
dlv connect
# Debug a unit test
cargo test --no-run &&
rust-lldb $(fd "^$NAME-[0-9a-z]{16}$" target/debug/deps) -- $testcase
# To show stdout/stderr:
cargo test -- --nocapture
# Launch and attach to iOS app in simulator
xcrun simctl launch booted $APP_ID
# => PID
xcrun lldb -o "attach -p $PID" $
# Launch and attach to iOS app on real device (requires Xcode 16 or newer)
xcrun devicectl device process launch --device $DEVICE_NAME $APP_ID
xcrun devicectl device info processes --device $DEVICE_NAME
# => PID
xcrun lldb -o "device select $DEVICE_NAME" \
-o "device process attach --pid $PID"
# Launch application
adb shell am start $APP_PKGNAME/.MainActivity
# Setup jdwp (Java Debug Wire Protocol) forwarding
adb forward --remove-all
adb forward tcp:7766 jdwp:$app_pid
# The jdb tui is pretty lackluster...
rlwrap jdb -attach localhost:7766 -sourcepath ./*/src/main/java