Untitled Project X - v 0.0.4
Improved Asian Language Support, FlipMode and Compatibility Fixes
- Adds Flip Mode performance enhancement to reduce stuttering in windowed mode
- All display modes that the game offers are technically a form of windowed mode
- A later release will actually add support for proper fullscreen exclusive mode
- Uses a threaded initialization routine to prevent NvAPI and ADL from deadlocking during intiialization
- Should help some systems that were hanging at application start
- When using Korean or Simplified Chinese text, FMVs can be replaced with English audio now.
Uncompressed_5897ED49.dds is the Gamepad Texture that FFX uses
I have included it here so that button modders can get to work figuring out the dimensions and requisite vertical flipping to modify this texture. _v 0.1.0_ will add support for dumping and replacing textures, and then button and UI mods will be possible.
Testing PS3 button mod
- unx-ps3.zip includes an experimental set of resources that should replace the Xbox button icons with PS3
- If all goes well, this system will be polished and worked into _v 0.1.0_