A graph algorithms visualizer built using React, Typescript and Styled Components.
deployed at: https://karimelghamry.github.io/GraphAV/
NOTE: touch screen is still not supported yet. Use a PC/Laptop for a better experience.
[✔] Light/Dark themes
[✔] Add, move and delete nodes
[✔] Directed/Undirected edges
[✔] Unweighted edges
[✔] Control visualization speed
[✔] Control canvas zoom percentage
[✔] Shortest paths and predecessor node information
[✔] Visited nodes/edges animations
[⛏] Weighted edges (to be implemented)
[⛏] Touch screen support (to be implemented)
[⛏] Save/share graphs (to be implemented)
[✔] DFS - Depth First Search
[✔] DLS - Depth Limited Search
[✔] IDDFS - Iterative Deepening Depth First Search
[✔] BFS - Breadth First Search (with shortest paths calculations)
[✔] Dijkstra (with shortest paths calculations)
[⛏] Bellman-Ford (to be implemented)
[⛏] Floyd-Warshall (to be implemented)
[⛏] A* (to be implemented)
[⛏] Kosaraju (to be implemented)
[⛏] Tarjan's Strongly Connected Components* (to be implemented)
🎉 If you have any further suggested algorithms, feel free to open an issue! 😎
Dijkstra | BFS |