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Abimalek Mekuriya edited this page Jun 29, 2022 · 5 revisions

Hello Maintainers!

This is where the documentation and contributation guidelines for the GeoSnapApp will be located.

In order to make sure that only well developed code is contributed, the project will use a code review system in order to quality check the code written as well as give tips to the developers. An overview of the contribution process and best practices is outlined in the Contributing page.

This is where the documentation for the firebase system used in the app will be located. It will include the schema, associated data structures, and associated classes that integrate firebase with the underlying OS.

An explanation of how and why the code was written. This will include the file-structure of the code as well as documentation on the general flow of the application.

Android Development Resources

This is a list of helpful resources to learn android development.

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