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Autoeditor SDK

This module provides access to Autoeditor to be able to make some operations for autoeditor through a video editor.


npm install --save @kassellabs/autoeditor

Clip Editor


Considering you have the follow div on your HTML:

<div id="video-clip-editor"></div>

You can create a video clip editor using the following code:

import { ClipEditor } from '@kassellabs/autoeditor'

const clipEditor = new ClipEditor('#video-clip-editor', {
  video: '',
  theme: {
    palette: {
      // Customize the video handles' colors
      secondary: {
        main: '#f00',
  clips: [
    {start: 10, end: 20, selected: true},
    {start: 40, end: 60, selected: false},
    {start: 80, end: 120, selected: true},

This will create a new video clip editor using the preset video and clips in the timeline


You can listen to events and check when the editor's state was updated with the following methods:

clipEditor.on('ready', () => {
  console.log('The player was successfully mounted and finished loading')

clipEditor.on('change', ({ clips }) => {
  console.log('User has changed the clips to:', clips)



Considering you have the follow div on your HTML:

<div id="video-crop-subtitle-editor"></div>

You can create a video crop subtitle editor using the following code:

import { CropSubtitleEditor } from '@kassellabs/autoeditor'

const cropSubtitleEditor = new CropSubtitleEditor('#video-crop-subtitle-editor', {
  apiKey: '<your public API Key>', // Optional, having this will enable users to upload fonts and edit his own presets
  userId: '<your user id / other unique identifier>', // Optional, having this will allow you to control fonts and user edited presets per user
  theme: {
    palette: {
      // Customize the video handles' colors
      secondary: {
        main: '#f00',
      // Customize white buttons colors
      white: {
        main: '#000',
        contrastText: '#fff',
  input: {
    media: {
      url: '', // Required -> URL of the base video to be edited
  data: {
    frameRate: 30, // Can be either 30 or 60 (Defaults to 30)
    overlays: {
      watermark: {
        type: 'image', // Type of the overlay (currently only supports image)
        url: '', // Overlay Image
      front: [
          type: 'image', // Type of the overlay (currently only supports image)
          start: 4.5, // When the overlay should appear
          end: 16,    // When the overlay should stop appearing
          url: '', // Overlay Image
      back: [
          type: 'image', // Type of the overlay (currently only supports image)
          start: 10, // When the overlay should appear
          end: 25,   // When the overlay should stop appearing
          url: '', // Overlay Image
  detectScenes: true, // Enable scene detection (will lead to a loading at the beginning of the video)
  crop: {
    aspectRatio: 9 / 16, // Aspect ratio in which the video will be cropped (Defaults to 9 / 16)
    scenes: [ // Each scene should be placed as an element here
        start: 0,       // Start time of the scene (in seconds)
        end: 3.35,      // End time of the scene (in seconds)
        exported: true, // Will the scene be exported in the final video?
        cropCenter: {   // The scene crop settings
          x: 986.5821075439453,
          y: 540,
          faceCenters: [ // Optional -> will be used in the future for easier cropping
              x: 986.5821075439453,
              y: 540,
              width: 328.6436462402344,
              height: 385.56941986083973,
        end: 52.134,
        start: 3.35,
        exported: true,
        cropCenter: {
          zoom: 0.317,
          rotation: 0,
          restrictPosition: false,
          x: 960,
          y: 540,
          faceCenters: [
              x: 688.7061309814453,
              y: 540,
              width: 404.1566848754883,
              height: 474.59916114807123,
        end: 76.334,
        start: 52.134,
        exported: true,
        cropCenter: {
          x: 875.2653408050537,
          y: 540,
          faceCenters: [
              x: 875.2653408050537,
              y: 540,
              width: 377.5535774230957,
              height: 463.2939147949219,
        end: 82.667,
        start: 76.334,
        exported: true,
        cropCenter: {
          x: 888.1230068206787,
          y: 540,
          faceCenters: [
              x: 888.1230068206787,
              y: 540,
              width: 330.472354888916,
              height: 378.0462169647217,
        end: 101.818,
        start: 82.667,
        exported: true,
        cropCenter: {
          x: 931.424560546875,
          y: 540,
          faceCenters: [
              x: 931.424560546875,
              y: 540,
              width: 341.4722442626953,
              height: 464.4005870819092,
  subtitle: {
    transcription: {
      segments: [
          text: 'tudo sabe eu vou contar',
          start: 0.545,
          end: 2.44,
          words: [
              word: 'tudo',
              start: 0.545,
              end: 1.045,
              word: 'sabe',
              start: 1.185,
              end: 1.56,
              word: 'eu',
              start: 1.8,
              end: 1.96,
              word: 'vou',
              start: 1.96,
              end: 2.04,
              word: 'contar',
              start: 2.04,
              end: 2.44,

This will create a new video crop subtitle editor using the preset video and clips in the timeline


You can listen to events and check when the editor's state was updated with the following methods:

cropSubtitleEditor.on('ready', ({ input, data, crop, subtitle }) => {
  console.log('The player was successfully mounted and finished loading, the default settings are:', {

cropSubtitleEditor.on('change', ({ input, data, crop, subtitle }) => {
  console.log('The settings have changed to:', {

Utility Functions

reorganizeWords(segments, options)

You can pass some parameters to a list of segments to be reorganized according to some parameters

    text: 'tudo sabe eu vou contar',
    start: 0.545,
    end: 2.44,
    words: [
        word: 'tudo',
        start: 0.545,
        end: 1.045,
        word: 'sabe',
        start: 1.185,
        end: 1.56,
        word: 'eu',
        start: 1.8,
        end: 1.96,
        word: 'vou',
        start: 1.96,
        end: 2.04,
        word: 'contar',
        start: 2.04,
        end: 2.44,
], {
  maxWordsPerLine: 5, // Maximum number of words per line
  maxSecondsPerLine: 10, // Maximum number of seconds per line
  maxCharactersPerLine: 40, // Maximum number of characters per line
  cutPhrases: false, // Allow phrases to be cut in the middle
  removePunctuation: false, // Remove punctuation when re-organizing


To develop and test this library, you can run:

npm run dev

This will setup building, auto-rebuilding the library once you any code is changed

npm run server

This will run a server and display the project at: http://localhost:8080/demos/

If you wish to test the library, refer to the index.html page and change it to what you want to test.

You can use __editorURL special parameter to change the intended editor iframe URL to the one on your dev server


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