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My individual coding project.
Currently hosted on Netlify:

File structure

script.js - the main logic file
index.html - main html file - to use the app, open this file on browser window
style.css - main styling file
favicon.ico - icon to be displayed on browser tab

About the app

Created by Ekaterina Tereshko as an individual project during the coding program, it has the following features:

Tools used:

  • API servers provided by the websites (for IP) and (for weather data);
  • The Fetch API which provides a JavaScript interface for accessing and manipulating parts of the protocol, such as requests and responses. It also provides a global fetch() method that provides an easy, logical way to fetch resources asynchronously across the network. The fetch() method is used in this app to request data from a server of the website that provides weather data. This method requires a parameter, the URL to request, and returns a promise.

User side:

  • open the app and make sure your Internet connection is good as it is needed for the app to work correctly
  • the app will define your current city using your IP and show the weather in your city
  • in case the city is not defined or in case you need to find the weather in another city, type its name in the search box and press the Enter key

Logic side

In order to make the use of URL and API keys more convenient, they are initially defined in the constants. So, the myKey const contains the user's unique API key for the website, and the api object contains such properties as endpoint (URL for the website's API) and key (the individual - for the app's author in this case - key for this API).

After the page is loaded, the getIP() async function is called. It helps to receive the info about the user's city using API provided by the website

This function works two-stage: first it uses fetch() method which returns a Response object and places it into the res const (the URL of the API-providing server is used as a parameter and it also contains the myKey const as a part of URL).
Once the body of the Response is fully loaded, the res gets converted to json using the .json() method and gets placed into the result const. After that the getInfo() function is called with the parameter "" which means the value of city key of the object inside the result.

As the user might enter any city name in the input field, there is also an event handler addEventListener() set on the Enter key so that the value of the user's input is used as a parameter in the getInfo() function instead of the city defined by default based on the user's IP.

The getInfo() async function also works two-stage: first it uses fetch() method which returns a Response object and places it into the res const (the URL of the API-providing server (api.endpoint), in combination with the user's key (api.key), is used as a parameter).
Once the body of the Response is fully loaded, the res gets converted to json using the .json() method and gets placed into the result const. This object contains all possible data about the current weather in the city. After that the displayResult() function with the parameter "result" is called which is responsible for user-friendly display of the received weather data.

In the displayResult() function variables are declared which now contain relevant page elements selected using querySelector(). In this app the following features are set, although the API provides much more data that can also be used (check the "Сustomization possibilities" section): city, temperature, feels like, icon, conditions, min and max temperature.

For each element the value from result is displayed on the page using textContent and innerHTML.
Also, the getOurDate() function is called inside the displayResult() function.
It defines the current user's full date and takes the current day name, date, month and year from it.
Then it handles with the page element with the "#date" id, puts it into the dateOnScreen variable and makes the date to be displayed on the page in the relevant element using textContent.

Customization possibilities

In order to add more elements that can be displayed on the page, add them to HTML code in the index.html file and to the displayResult() function in the script.js file: add an HTML element and a variable for each data type you want to display (like humidity, presuure, etc.). Check the object that is placed into result const after the getInfo() async function is called so that you know what the appropriate property's key is.

For example, to add humidity data to the page, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Add an element to the index.html file, make sure it has an id so that you can select it later:
Снимок экрана 2023-10-27 в 11 46 05

<p id="humidity">87</p>

(add a number within the HTML tag as an example so that it is displayed to the user while the actual data is loading)

  1. Using console, check the result value received after the getInfo() function works:


Снимок экрана 2023-10-27 в 11 54 33
  1. Find the humidity data in this object and copy its key name: the full name is "main.humidity"
Снимок экрана 2023-10-27 в 11 56 03
  1. Add the following code to the script.js file inside the displayResult() function:

let humidity = document.querySelector("#humidity");
humidity.textContent = `${result.main.humidity}`;

After these steps the humidity actual data will be displayed right in the place where it is placed within the HTML markdown. You can also add style to the existing or new data sections using their id (#) and adding new features to the style.css file.

Thanks for your time exploring my project!



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