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Libft (Library of Functions)

In this project, you will be creating a library of functions, the file structure for this project is the following:

.c Files

Where all of your functions will be written in.

.h (Header)

Your header file is useful for 2 things:

  • First, instead of doing for example #include <unistd.h> in all of your .c files, you just write it once in your header and all of your .c files will read it from your header file.
  • Secondly, let's say one of your .c files uses another function from another .c file, well instead of writting that function above, just write #include "libft.h" and it will find it in your header file.

Make sure you add #include "libft.h" in all of your .c files.


Makefile is where you will create a file to compile your projects. Remember how in the piscine, you created an int main and gcc to compile the projects, well with a Makefile, you don't have to do that anymore, you just type make once you have created your Makefile.

Great Resource for Libft

Libft Functions

Functions from <ctype.h>

Functions from <string.h>

Functions from <stdlib.h>

  • ft_atoi - convert a string to an integer.
  • ft_calloc - allocates memory and sets its bytes' values to 0.

Non-standard functions

  • ft_substr - returns a substring from a string.
  • ft_strjoin - concatenates two strings.
  • ft_strtrim - trims the beginning and end of string with specific set of chars.
  • ft_split - splits a string using a char as parameter.
  • ft_itoa - converts a number into a string.
  • ft_strmapi - applies a function to each character of a string.
  • ft_striteri - applies a function to each character of a string.
  • ft_putchar_fd - output a char to a file descriptor.
  • ft_putstr_fd - output a string to a file descriptor.
  • ft_putendl_fd - output a string to a file descriptor, followed by a new line.
  • ft_putnbr_fd - output a number to a file descriptor.



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