This project serves as the front end for the NetDex application. The client side is rendered through React and provides Google OAuth authentication services.
The NetDex application provides the end user a way to organize their professional network in a simplistic and easy to understand interface. Think of your favorite professional social media platform. Now remove the social media portion of it. This is a tool for the user to maintain contact with their network without all the frills that come with being on a social media platform.
"Contacts, without the contact."
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To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Ensure you have the latest version of npm installed.
npm install npm@latest -g
Ensure you have version 18.15.0 of node installed through NVM.
nvm install 18.15.0
Ensure you have the latest version of yarn installed.
npm install -g yarn
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install NPM packages
yarn install
- Start frontend server**
yarn start
** Ensure that you have the backend server running so data can be fetched.
- Fix navbar layout so login button does not overlap the home button
- Google login
- Users can login/logout of the application using their Google accounts
- Created basic structure of where components will be located and added routing to them.
- Login button does not work on mobile.
- If not logged in, the user should be presented with a login option and that's it.
- Contact Cards:
- Company website + logo
- phone number
- image
- Watermark logo for the main page
- Navbar should hide when in collapsed mode
- Links should be stacked
- User Profile retrieving database user information and populating it into editable form.
- If a user is logging in the for first time, a database entry will be created for them automatically once they click on the 'Profile' link.
- style cards better
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Kevin Heleodoro - @Golden_Sun_Kev -
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