A Java-based desktop application "Sales Invoice Generator" helps to automatically generate and retain the history of transactions the business has. It's created as a part of my learing journy in the Software Testing Profressionl Track in EG-FWD inittive.
Dispaly a Table for a preview of all the available invoices and another table for each detaled invoice whenever selected.
The invoices table shows : Invoice No., Invoice Date, Customer Name, and the Total amount of the invoice in the table that shows a preview of every invoice (See Screenshot 1, left-side panel).
The detailed invoices table shows : Invoice No., Invoice Date, Customer Name, Invoice Total amount, and all the Invoice Items (See Screenshot 1, right-side panel).
"Create New Invoice" Button and "Delete Invoice" button for creating new invoices and deleting an existing one whenever selected from the GUI.
- Allowing the user to edit and save changes on any selected invoice by having a "Save" button to save changes and a "Cancel button" to discard changes
- The Ability to load the latest saved status, i.e. the latest created/changed/deleted invoices, with a "Load File" button and Save them with a "Save File" button with CSV Format.
Initially have pre-read invoices that display upon initial booting/starting (See the provided CSV files "in resources" for the initial number of invoices along with their format "Invoice Header + Invoice Line").
Validate the input from the user and filling the missing automatily where valid assumption can be made.