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You may be interested in participating in picoCTF, a computer security game designed to teach students computer security concepts and techniques. It is open to anyone, but primarily aimed at middle and high school students in the United States. You can find more information at

Additionally, if you're interested in learning more about offensive and defensive security, as well as other topics such as blockchain, crypto, forensic, OSINT, and more, I highly recommend checking out my other Repositories.

All of the content is published on GitHub and Medium, so you can easily access it and learn at your own pace.

The Emoji below will tell you about the status for the writeup
⚠️ - The Challenge is currently dissabled.
❌ - The Writeup is not done yet
✅ - The Writeup is done

General Skills

Challenge Points Category Status
Obedient Cat 5 Basic Linux cmd cat
Python Wrangling 10
Wave a flag 10
Nice netcat... 15 netcat(nc) python basic decode
Static ain't always noise 20
Tab, Tab, Attack 20
Magikarp Ground Mission 30
Lets Warm Up 50
Warmed Up 50
2Warm 50
what's a net cat? 100
strings it 100
Bases 100
First Grep 100
Codebook 100 100 100 100
Glitch Cat 100
HashingJobApp 100
PW Crack 1 100
PW Crack 2 100
PW Crack 3 100
PW Crack 4 100
PW Crack 5 100 100
Serpentine 100
First Find 100
Big Zip 100
chrono 100
money-ware 100
Permissioins 100
repetitions 100
useless 100
Based 100
plumbing 100
mus1c 300
flag_shop 300
Special 300
1_wanna_b3_a_r0ck5star 350
Specialer 400


Challenge Points Category Status
Informations 10 metadata exiftools base64
Matryoshka Doll 30 hidden file unzip
tunn3l v1s10n 40
Glory of the Garden 50
Wireshark doo dooo do doo... 50
MacroHard WeakEdge 60
Trivial Flag Transfer Protocol 90
Wireshark twoo twooo two twoo... 100
advanced-potion-making 100
Enhance! 100
File types 100
Lookey here 100
Packets Primer 100
Redaction gone wrong 100
Sleuthkit Intro 100
hideme 100
PcapPoisoning 100
who is it 100
Disk, disk, sleuth! 110
Milkslap 120
Disk, disk, sleuth! II 130
So Meta 150
shark on wire 1 150
extensions 150
What Lies Within 150
Pitter, Patter, Platters 200
scrambled-bytes 200
WPA-ing Out 200
Sleuthkit Apprentice 200
FindAndOpen 200
MSB 200
m00nwalk 250
WhitePages 250
c0rrupt 250
like1000 250
Surfing the Waves 250
m00nwalk2 300
Investigative Reversing 0 300
shark on wire 2 300
Very very very Hidden 300
Eavesdrop 300
Operation Oni 300
St3g0 300
Invisible WORDs 300
Investigative Reversing 1 350
Investigative Reversing 2 350
WebNet0 350
Investigating Reversing 3 400
Investigating Reversing 4 400
Operation Orchild 400
SideChannel 400
Torrent Analyze 400
WebNet1 450
investigation_encoded_1 450
investiagtion_encoded_2 500
B1g_Mac 500
UnforgottenBits 500


Challenge Points Tags Status
Mod 26 10 ROT 13
Mind your Ps and Qs 20 RSA :white_check_mark
Easy Peasy 40
The Numbers 50
New Caesar 60
Mini RSA 70
Dachshund Attacks 80
No Padding, No Problem 90
Easy 1 100
13 100
caesar 100
Pixelated 100
spelling-quiz 100
basic-mod1 100
basie-mode2 100
credstuff 100
morse-code 100
rail-fence 100
substitution0 100
substitution1 100
substitution2 100
transposition-trial 100
Vigenere 100
HideToSee 100
ReadMyCert 100
rotation 100
Play Nice 110
Double DES 120
Compress and Attack 130
Scrambled: RSA 140
XtraORdinary 150
triple-secure 150
la cifra de 200
Tapping 200
Flags 200
Mr-Worldwide 200
rsa-pop-quiz 200
PowerAnalysis: Warmup 200
college-rowing-team 250
waves over lambda 300
miniRSA 300
It's Not My Fault 1 300
New Vignere 300
Very Smooth 300
corrupt-key-1 350
b00tl3gRSA2 400
Sequences 400
Sum-O-Primes 400
PowerAnalysis: Part 1 400
SRA 400
b00tl3gRSA3 450
john_pollard 500
Clouds 500
corrupt-key-2 500
NSA Backdoor 500
PowerAnalysis: Part 2 500

Binary Exploitation

Challenge Points Tags Status
Stonks 20 Format String Address Leaking
Cache Me Outside 70
Here's a LIBC 90
Unsubscriptions Are Free 100
basic-file-exploit 100
buffer overflow 0 100 32-bits Buffer Overflow
CVE-XXXX-XXXX 300 CVE Searching
babygame01 100
two-sum 100
clutter-overflow 150
filtered-shellcode 160
Kit Engine 200
buffer overflow 1 200 Buffer Overflow 32-bits Ret2win
RPS 200
x-sixty-what 200 64-bits Buffer Overflow Ret2win
babygame02 200
hijacking 200
tic-tac 200
VNE 200
Guessing Game 1 250
Stonk Market 250
fermat-strings 250
messy-malloc 300 ⚠️
Guessing Game 2 300
buffer overflow 2 300
buffer overflow 3 300 ⚠️
flag leak 300
ropfu 300 Buffer Overflow 32-bits Syscall ropchain
wine 300
Horsetrack 300
seed-sPRiNG 350
Download Horsepower 350
SaaS 350
The Office 400
homework 400
function overwrite 400
stack cache 400
Turboflan 450
lockdown-horses 450
sice_cream 500
zero_to_hero 500
Bizz Fuzz 500
vr-school 500
solfire 500

Reverse Engineering

Challenge Points Category Status
Transformation 20
keygenme-py 30
crackme-py 30
ARMssembly 30
vault-door-training 50
speeds and feeds 50
Shop 50
ARMssembly 1 70
ARMssembly 2 90
vault-door-1 100
Hurry up! Wait! 100
file-run1 100
file-run2 100
GDB Test Drive 100 100
Safe Opener 100 100
Ready Gladiator 0 100
Reverse 100
Safe Opener 2 100
timer 100
Virtual Machine 0 100
gogo 110
ARMssembly 3 130
Let's get dynamic 150
not crypto 150
Easy as GDB 160
ARMssembly 4 170
Powershelly 180w
asm1 200
vault-door-3 200
breadth 200 200
Fresh Java 200
No way out 200
Ready Gladiator 1 200
asm2 250
vault-door-4 250
droids0 300
asm3 300
vault-door-5 300
reverse_cipher 300
OTP Implementation 300
Rolling My Own 300
Bbbbloat 300
unpackme 300
Virtual Machine 1 300
droids 1 350
vault-door-6 350
riscy business 350
Checkpass 375
asm4 400
Need For Speed 400
B1ll_Gat35 400
droids2 400
vault-door-7 400
keygenme 400
Ready Gladiator 2 400
vault-door-8 450
droids3 450
droids4 500
Forky 500
Wizardlike 500

Web Exploitation

Challenge Points Category Status
GET aHEAD 20 curl Header
Cookie 40 Cookie
Insp3ct0r 50 Web Puzzles Source Code
Scavenger Hunt 50 Web Puzzles Source Code Apache 2.0 robots.txt
Some Assembly Required 1 70
More Cookies 90
where are the robots 100 robots.txt hidden directory
logon 100
dont-use-client-side 100
It is my Birthday 100
Who are you? 100
login 100
Includes 100
Inspect HTML 100
Local Authority 100
Search source 100
findme 100
MatchTheRegex 100
SOAP 100
Some Assembly Required 2 110
Super Serial 130
Most Cookies 150
caas 150
Some Assembly Required 3
Web Gauntlet 2 170
picobrowser 200
Client-side-again 200
Web Gauntlet 200
Some Assembly Required 4 200
Forbidden Paths 200
Power Cookie 200
Roboto Sans 200
Secrets 200
SQL Direct 200
More SQLi 200
X marks the spot 250
notepad 250
Irish-Name-Repo 1 300
Web Gauntlet 3 300
JAuth 300
SQLiLite 300
Java Code Analysis!?! 300
Irish-Name-Repo 2 350
Irish-Name-Repo 3 400
JaWT Scratchpad 400
Java Script Kiddie 400
Java Script Kiddie 2 450
Bithug 500
Live Art 500
noted 500
cancri-sp 500
msfroggenerator2 500