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This is the implementation code for the paper, "AWV-MOS-LIO: Adaptive Window Visibility based Moving Object Segmentation with LiDAR Inertial Odometry", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (T-IV), 2024.

1. Introduction

AWV-MOS is a LiDAR Moving Object Segmentation module for online MOS and static map construction with external pose data.
AWV-MOS-LIO is a Online LiDAR Moving Object Segmentation system integrated with LiDAR Inertial Odometry.

  • This repository contains AWV-MOS package and AWV-MOS-LIO package.
  • AWV-MOS package provides online MOS and static mapping using external poses data
  • AWV-MOS-LIO package provides online MOS using integrated LIO system.
  • The dataset used for paper experiments and our results are provided from the NAS server.

Online MOS demonstration video is available at youtube

video title

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements
  3. Install
  4. How to use
  5. Examples
  6. Evaluation
  8. Citation

2. Requirements

  • Eigen, PCL, OpenCV, TBB,
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install -y libeigen3-dev libpcl-dev libopencv-dev libtbb-dev
  • gtsam
    $ sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common
    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:borglab/gtsam-release-4.0
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install -y libgtsam-dev libgtsam-unstable-dev
  • ROS (tested with noetic).
    $ sudo apt-get install -y curl lsb-release gnupg g++
    $ sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
    $ curl -s | apt-key add -
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install -y ros-noetic-desktop ros-noetic-pcl-conversions

3. Install

Use the following commands to download and compile the package.

$ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone
$ cd ~/catkin_ws

4. How to use

If you want to run the package on your own data, you should setup parameters in 'config/params_custom.yaml' to match your sensor configuration.

Online MOS with LIO system:

Need to publish LiDAR scan and IMU data messages. The LiDAR scan points should contain time field.

$ roslaunch awv_mos_lio run_online_mos_w_lio.launch config_file_name:=<your_config_file.yaml>

Online MOS with external SLAM system:

Need to publish deskewed LiDAR scan messages and sensor pose messages of type 'nav_msgs/Odometry'.

$ roslaunch awv_mos run_online_mos.launch scan_topic:=<scan_topic_name> pose_topic:=<pose_topic_name> config_file_name:=<your_config_file.yaml>

Static map construction with bag file:

The input bag file should contain deskewed LiDAR scan and sensor pose messages of type 'nav_msgs/Odometry'.
If the scan data is not deskewed but includes a time field, the deskewing feature is available by setting use_deskewing to true.

$ roslaunch awv_mos run_static_mapping_bag.launch bag_file_path:=<path/to/your_bag.bag> scan_topic:=<scan_topic_name> pose_topic:=<pose_topic_name> config_file_name:=<your_config_file.yaml> use_deskewing:=false

Static map construction with KITTI format data:

Need to construct KITTI folder structure and format as follows:

    └── sequences  
        ├── 00  
        │   ├── poses.txt  
        │   ├── times.txt  
        │   ├── calib.txt  
        │   ├── labels  
        │   │   ├── 000000.label  
        │   │   ├── 000001.label  
        │   └── velodyne  
        │       ├── 000000.bin  
        │       ├── 000001.bin  
$ roslaunch awv_mos run_static_mapping_kitti.launch path_to_sequences:=<path/to/sequences> sequence:=<target_seqeucne_number> config_file_name:=<your_config_file.yaml>

5. Examples

Example datas can be downloaded at 7. Downloads

  • Online MOS with LIO system on KITTI Raw dataset:
$ roslaunch awv_mos_lio run_online_mos_w_lio.launch config_file_name:=params_kitti.yaml
$ rosbag play kitti_raw_sequence_01_date_2011_10_03_drive_0042.bag
  • Online MOS with external SLAM system on nuscenes dataset:
    To run nuscenes dataset example, FAST_LIO is required.
$ roslaunch awv_mos run_online_mos.launch scan_topic:=/LIDAR_TOP pose_topic:=/aft_mapped_to_init config_file_name:=params_nuscenes.yaml
$ roslaunch fast_lio mapping_nuscenes.launch
$ rosbag play NuScenes-v1.0-trainval-scene-1059.bag --topics /LIDAR_TOP --wait-for-subscribers
  • Static map construction with bag file that contains deskewed or skewed KITTI Raw data:
// (deskewed scan)
$ roslaunch awv_mos run_static_mapping_bag.launch bag_file_path:=s08_awv-mos-lio_results.bag scan_topic:=/awv_mos/segmented_query_scan_all pose_topic:=/lio_sam/mapping/odometry_incremental config_file_name:=params_kitti_mapping.yaml use_deskewing:=false
// (skewed scan)
$ roslaunch awv_mos run_static_mapping_bag.launch bag_file_path:=s08_awv-mos-lio_results.bag scan_topic:=/velodyne_points pose_topic:=/lio_sam/mapping/odometry_incremental config_file_name:=params_kitti_mapping.yaml use_deskewing:=true

6. Evaluation

Evaluate online MOS with LIO. (AWS-MOS-LIO)

Due to point loss occurring in the LIO-SAM part, we evaluate AWV-MOS-LIO using scan messages that include label field.
The bag file contains label field-included scan messages is generated by kittiraw2bag.

  1. build with USE_EVALUATION_POINT_TYPE macro option
  1. Recored the MOS result:
$ rosbag record /awv_mos/segmented_query_scan_all
  1. Run the launch file & Play existing bag files:
$ roslaunch awv_mos run_kitti.launch
$ rosbag play kitti_raw_sequence_01_date_2011_10_03_drive_0042.bag
  1. Evaluate the results using evaluate_mos.launch:
$ roslaunch awv_mos mos_evaluation.launch use_bag_file:=true bag_folder_path:=<path/to/bagfile_folder> bag_file_name:=s01_awv-mos-lio_results.bag

  Note that, as we showed in the paper, in the case of the KITTI Raw 08 sequence, we skip the first 150 frames because there is a stopped car that is labeled as moving.

$ roslaunch awv_mos mos_evaluation.launch use_bag_file:=true bag_folder_path:=<path/to/bagfile_folder> bag_file_name:=s08_awv-mos-lio_results.bag start_frame:=150

Evaluate online MOS with external pose data. (AWV-MOS)

  1. Set the m_cfg_b_use_prediction_write to true in configuration file.
  2. Run Online MOS with external SLAM system
$ roslaunch awv_mos run_online_mos.launch scan_topic:=/LIDAR_TOP pose_topic:=/aft_mapped_to_init config_file_name:=params_nuscenes.yaml
  1. Evaluate the results using evaluation_mos.launch
$ roslaunch awv_mos mos_evaluation.launch use_label_file:=true gt_label_folder_path:=<path/to/gt_label_folder> pred_label_folder_path:=<path/to/pred_label_folder>

Evaluate static map construction. (AWV-MOS)

  1. build with USE_EVALUATION_POINT_TYPE macro option
  1. Run the launch In case of KITTI Raw 08 sequence, set m_cfg_i_mapping_start_frame_limit to 150.
$ roslaunch awv_mos run_static_mapping_bag.launch bag_file_path:=s08_awv-mos-lio_results.bag scan_topic:=/velodyne_points pose_topic:=/lio_sam/mapping/odometry_incremental config_file_name:=params_kitti_mapping.yaml use_deskewing:=true
  1. The evaluation result of the map will be printed during the mapping process.


  • Experiment results and ROS bag, gt label files used for paper experiments can be downloaded from the NAS server
  • The uploaded KITTI Raw ROS bag files of KITTI Raw are generated using kittiraw2bag, which generates scan messages that include the ring and time fields.

8. Citation

  author={Kim, Seongjun and Kim, Chansoo and Jo, Kichun},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles}, 
  title={AWV-MOS-LIO: Adaptive Window Visibility based Moving Object Segmentation with LiDAR Inertial Odometry}, 
  keywords={Laser radar;Vehicle dynamics;Simultaneous localization and mapping;Odometry;Accuracy;Dynamics;Autonomous vehicles;LiDAR moving object segmentation;automated driving;point cloud processing;simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)},