Kipngetich Ngeno
This is an application more or less like the popular social media platform Instagram where users can #, post pictures view pictures posted by others comment on them as well as like or dislike the pictures
As a user can do the following:
- # to the application to start using
- Upload pictures to the application.
- View their profiles containing all their pictures
- A user can Follow other users and see their the users timeline.
- Like a picture and leave a comment on it.
- Python 3.6.2
- Virtual environment
- Postgres Database
- Reliable Internet Connection
- Copy repolink
in your terminal run the following commands
- $ git clone REPO-URL in your terminal
- $ cd Instagram_clone
- $ python3.6 -m venv virtual
- $ touch .env ( to the file add : SECRET_KEY= DEBUG=True)
- $ source virtual/bin/activate
- $ python3.6 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- $ psql ; CREATE DATABASE instagram ;
In the module of the project make the following changes
DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'NAME': 'instagram', 'USER': POSTGRES_USERNAME, 'PASSWORD': POSTGRES_USERNAME, } }
- $ python3.6 runserver (this command runs the application of port )
No known bugs
Moringa School,Python Documentation, and W3 schools
This project uses major technologies which are :
- Bootstrap
- Python3.6
- Django Frane Work
- Postgress Database
In case You have any issues using this code please do no hesitate to get in touch with me through or leave a commit here on github.
Copyright MIT LiCENSE (c) 2017 Kipngetich Ngeno