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Ritornello is a high fidelity control free ChIP-seq peak calling algorithm


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Ritornello is a ChIP-seq peak calling algorithm based on signal processing that can accurately call binding events without the need to do a pair total DNA input or IgG control sample. It has been tested for use with narrow binding events such as transcription factor ChIP-seq.

Ritornello Preprint

Download precompiled binaries

Currently compiled for ubuntu x64. Mac and Windows versions coming soon.


Compiling on ubuntu:

install dependencies:


sudo apt-get install libbam-dev


sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev


sudo apt-get install libboost-dev

Checkout the source using:

git clone


cd Ritornello


The executable is then made at bin/Ritornello. You can move it where ever you like and/or add it to your path, or simply run it from its bin location.

Creating a sorted bam file:

This tutorial assumes the user starts with sequenced ChIP-seq reads in the fastq format, MyFile.fastq for singled end or MyFile_1.fastq and MyFile_2.fastq for paired-end.

The first step in preparing a sorted bam file, the input for Ritornello, is to map the ChIP-seq reads to the reference genome. This can be done using any comparative genome alignment tool. For this tutorial we will use Bowtie, which can be downloaded here

Also install samtools, which can be downloaded here or on Ubuntu installed using:

sudo apt-get install samtools

Map the reads to the genome using the following command. In this example hg19 (human genome version 19) is the prefix for the bowtie index (reference genome), so make sure to download the correct index (also found on the bowtie website for most organisms) and specify the prefix that is appropriate for your organism. MyFile.fastq for singled end or MyFile_1.fastq and MyFile_2.fastq for paired-end are user provided fastq files containing the ChIP-seq reads from the sequencer. For single end run:

bowtie -S -n 2 -k 1 -m 1 -X 1000 -I 0 --best --strata hg19 MyFile.fastq | samtools view -bS - > MyBamFile.bam

or if you have paired end data, run:

bowtie -S -n 2 -k 1 -m 1 -X 1000 -I 0 --best --strata -1 MyFile_1.fastq -2 MyFile_2.fastq hg19 | samtools view -bS - > MyBamFile.bam

This will create a bam (alignment) file in the same directory. See the bowtie documentation for a detailed explanation of each option.

To create a sorted bam file, call the samtools sort command on your bam file as follows:

samtools sort MyBamFile.bam MySortedBamFile

Indexing the bam file is useful so that it can be used with other tools such as the IGV genome browser, but not required to run ritornello. To index the bam file, run the following:

samtools index MySortedBamFile.bam

This will create an index MySortedBamFile.bam.bai file in the same directory

Using Ritornello:

-basic usage

./Ritornello -f MySortedBamFile.bam

Where MySortedBamFile.bam is an index/sorted bam file that can be obtained by first mapping the fastq files using an aligner (such as bowtie) and then sorting and indexing using samtools.

Analyzing the output:

The output is printed to MySortedBamFile.bam-peakSummary.narrowPeak where MySortedBamFile.bam is replaced with the output prefix if the -o option is specified. The output is a narrowPeak format file, an extension of the bed format.

To analyze these results in R we recommend using the rtracklayer package. A sample analysis for comparing overlapping TSS annotation is as follows:

#import the rtracklayer library

#define the extra columns need for the narrowpeak format (in addition to the bed format 
extraCols_narrowPeak <- c(signalValue = "numeric", pValue = "numeric",
	qValue = "numeric", peak = "integer")
#read in the peaks called by Ritornello to a GRanges object
RitornelloPeaks = import.bed(con="MySortedBamFile.bam-peakSummary.narrowPeak",
	extraCols = extraCols_narrowPeak)

#read in the tss annotation
TSS = import.bed(con="tss.bed")

extend = function(x,n){
	start(x) = start(x)-n
	end(x) = end(x)+n

#extend the GRanges object by 100 bp upstream and downstream
RitornelloPeaksWithin100bp =extend(RitornelloPeaks,100)

#finally we can check for peaks that overlapped the TSS annotation
RitornelloTSSPeaks =  RitornelloPeaks[countOverlaps(RitornelloPeaksWithin100bp, TSS)>0]

The full script with details on how to create all required files and run the script is provided here

Ritornello options:

--help print the help message

--version print Ritornello's current version

-f <ChIP.bam> ChIP.bam is a ChIP-seq sorted bam file to call peaks on. If you're bamfile is not sorted, please use the samtools sort utility. Additionally, running the samtools index utility may be required by some visualization tools (IGV etc.) but is not required by Ritornello.

-o <OutputPrefix> Specifies a prefix to use when reporting output. This can be a file path. Ex. -o /home/MyUser/MyOutputPrefix would report called peaks to /home/MyUser/MyOutputPrefix-peakSummary.narrowPeak

-p <int> maximum number of threads to use during execution

-q <decimal> The -log10(q-value) used to threshold reported peaks. Ex. Specifying -q 2 (the default) will report all peaks that are more significant than q-value=0.01. Set -q 0 when calling peaks for input to the Irreproducible Discovery Rate software.

-s <decimal> The signal value used to threshold reported peaks. The signal value is the effect size for the reported peak and has units of read count. It is the sum of beta1 for the positive and negative strands around a reported peak, and can best be interpreted as the maximum likelihood number of reads due to binding at the reported peak. Ex. specifying -s 40 (the default) will report all peaks with signal value greater than 40. Set -s 0 when calling peaks for input to the Irreproducible Discovery Rate software.

-n <decimal> The minimum read and matched filter threshold. This specifies the minimum number of reads per window of size twice the maximum fragment length centered around the peak required to perform a likelihood ratio test. Additionally the matched filter (which is also normalized to units of read counts is thresholded by this number. This threshold is mostly used to control compute time by limiting the number of tests performed. -n 20 is the default. Setting it too high (larger than effect size) may cause lower expressed peaks to be missed. Setting it lower generally increases runtime and memory usage. Set -n 10 when calling peaks for input to the Irreproducible Discovery Rate software.

--OCE Specifying the OCE option tells Ritornello to include an additional term in the likelihood ratio test to more strictly control for Open Chromatin Effects. These are areas of high coverage which are generally uniform and also present in sonicated input DNA. Ritornello's background coverage term can usually control for most open chromatin effects, however, when coverage is extremely high, it can call spurious peaks at the bounderies of these regions where coverage changes abruptly. --OCE is useful to avoid spurious results in highly sequenced small genomes (yeast), but may cause a loss of sensitivity and not recommended for mouse, human, etc.

--no-artifact-handling Specifying the --no-artifact-handling option tells Ritornello not to try to detect and remove read length artifacts. You can add this option if your reads are fairly long and you suspect there wont be any issues with artifacts related to mismapping of reads.

Ritornello advanced options:

--debug-folder Specify a folder to print out debug files (must end with a "/"). This is mainly used for development purposes.

--filter-file Specify a filter shape to use for this run. Filter shapes are printed to fir.txt in the debug folder when it is specified. It is simply a vector of numbers giving the negative strand (or reverse positive strand) filter shape. --FLD-file must be set to use this option. Mainly used for development purposes

--FLD-file Specify a fragment length distribution for use with this run. FLD files are printed to fld.txt in the debug folder when the option is specified. It is simply a vector giving the distibution of the fragment lengths. Mainly used for development purposes


Ritornello is a high fidelity control free ChIP-seq peak calling algorithm







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