Exports heightmap and weightmap tiles as png from all .umaps containing Landscape data.
To stitch the tiles and split weightmap layers use python scripts in UnrealStuff
Tested with UE 4.25 and 4.27 games. Does not support IoStore
LandscapeExtractor.exe -p "C:\Game\XYZ\Content\Paks" -u 4_25
-u, --ue4 <ue4> (REQUIRED) game version (EGame suffix) [default: 4_27]
-p, --pakdir <pakdir> (REQUIRED) PAK directory path
-a, --aes <aes> AES key [default:
-o, --outdir <outdir> (REQUIRED) Output directory path [default: output]
--version Show version information
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
Output structure:
│ LandscapeExtractor.exe
│ │ Courtyard_Landscape2.json <- Landscape + components
│ ├───Heightmaps <- Still in internal 32bit RGBE format
│ │ Texture2D_1.png
│ │ Texture2D_142.png
│ │ Texture2D_154.png
│ │ Texture2D_156.png
│ │
│ └───Weightmaps <- RGBA format, merged layers
│ Texture2D_10.png
│ Texture2D_163.png
│ Texture2D_239.png
Further detailed documentation is available in the wiki
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