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Backend for KOK

Before you start

Dev environment:

  1. make a virtual environment (Python 3.9, use pyenv)
  2. pip install pipenv
  3. pipenv install --dev (passing --dev will include both the default and development)
  4. pre-commit install
  5. docker-compose up --no-start && docker-compose start (install Docker Desktop)
  6. export IS_LOCAL_DB=True
  7. db_user=postgres db_app_user=app_user db_app_pass=postgress alembic upgrade head
  8. python seed --teryt-path=<path to teryt> --count=5 --db (see kokon/commands/seed/

Regarding branching:

  • try to make sure you work on issues on seperate branches (e.g. feature/get-guests)
  • always merge to dev
  • merge to main only from dev


  • we use it as requirements.txt alternative
  • we still need requirements.txt for cloud functions
  • to generate requirements.txt: pipenv lock -r > requirements.txt

Migrations using alembic:

  • upgrade: alembic upgrade head
  • downgrade: alembic downgrade -1
  • new migration: alembic revision --autogenerate -m <migration_name> (then edit generated migration if required)
  • after migration added - ensure in dev that downgrade works properly


IS_LOCAL_DB=True db_name=kokon_test db_user=postgres alembic upgrade head

pytest tests

If you need database filled with data - use db fixture, just add db argument to your test function.

Coverage report

You can take a look at a coverage report in htmlcov/index.html file inside root directory.


You can run Google Cloud Function by running:

$ export IS_LOCAL_DB=True
$ functions-framework --target <function-name> --debug

Arguments (including request payload) should be passed as query params.

You'll need to add a header with the following value as well. Either pass it with -H to curl, or install a browser extension that allows customizing headers. For example header hacker for Chrome.

X-Endpoint-API-UserInfo: eyJnaXZlbl9uYW1lIjogIkpvaG4iLCAiZmFtaWx5X25hbWUiOiAiRG9lIiwgImVtYWlsIjogImpvaG4uZG9lQGV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwgInN1YiI6ICIxMDc2OTE1MDM1MDAwNjE1MDcxNTExMzA4MjM2NyIsICJwaWN0dXJlIjogImh0dHBzOi8vZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8xMjMifQ==

For more info see:

You can debug functions using tests, see tests/functions for examples.

Generating SQL from orm

For example for the Host model: print(CreateTable(Host.__table__).compile(global_pool))

Passing a working postgres connection pool is important, otherwise some features (like native enums) are not used.

Relationship with the infrastructure as code repo


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