The codebase for running analysis on recent Global Surface Summary of the Day (GSOD) data.
- MongoDB Server
- MongoDB Shell (mongosh)
- Conda
All GSOD data is available from the NOAA website here.
Initialise your shell with conda:
conda init
Create an local conda environment with the following command:
conda env create --file environment.yml -n gsod-analysis
Activate the environment, install the local environment as temporary package and also install the requirements.txt
conda activate gsod-analysis
pip install --editable .
Prepare a copy of .env file. Edit any field as necessary:
cp .env.example .env
Run docker-compose to start the MongoDB server, if running a local instance. Make sure to comment out the command: [--auth]
on first run.
docker-compose -f docker.yml up -d
When launching mongodb server for the first time, run mongosh -f setup/initialise_db.js
python script to automatically setup the server. After importing the data, run the mongosh -f setup/create_indexes.js
script to create the indexes on the database.
Data downloaded from the website is in a .tar.gz form. Untar the file using setup/
script. The script will automatically untar all files in subdirectories.
Import the data by running the src\
python <gsod_csv_directory> <isd_history.csv> <country.txt>
Run the runner script by doing python .\src\
[ ] Rewrite mapping as map-reduce functions [ ] Rewrite RH v visibility as map-reduce functions