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This tool helps for comparing the ML Capability in intent recognition for the platforms, and


- python dev/devel/src  >= 3.5.3 and <= 3.6.3. We suggest to use stable 3.5.3 from 
    - windows installer at :
- pip 
	- instructions from , we suggest you run this with you native python (in most Os its python2.7 linked to "python" executable)
- virtualenv
	- after installing pip you can simply install this by `pip install virtualenv`
    - windows instructions at

Post installation to verify that the installations done are as expected

$ python3 --version
Python 3.5.3          # or the version you installed
$ pip --version
pip 19.0.3            # or the version you installed
$ virtualenv --version
16.1.0                # or the version you installed


  1. Mention the Intents and the train data to be created in the ML_Train.csv file. While entering data , please follow the format as it is in ML_Train.csv
  2. Mention the test data along with utterance classification ( i.e Positive/Negative/Spell Errors etc) in ML_TestData.csv. Here it is important to give the classification names properly as mentioned in the ML_TestData.csv sheet, with the necessary capitalization.

Setup Instructions:

  • Create a virtual env for this tool, if not already present ans activate it.
     $ virtualenv  venv/ # if you have multiple python versions, use "virtualenv  --python=/path/to/python3 venv/"
  • If this is your first time running the tool, do this.
    $ pip install --upgrade pip
    $ (windows only) download twisted from (appropriate version)
    $ (windows only) pip install Twisted<version>.whl
    $ pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
  • If you encounter any errors during this refer to the specific python module documentation

Quick run

Activate the created virtual environment.

$ source venv/bin/activate # (Note:- use "./venv/Scripts/activate.bat" for windows)


 $ ./

Windows OR customisable use on windows and MacOs:

 $ python # use this to configure the run.
 $ python # use this to create a new bot. To use existing bot (created by previous use), don't run this again.
 $ python testconfig.json # use this to obtain the test results.

Do not give spaces in bot name. It is not tested with spaces, in all platforms. Note that kore platform access token expires in finite time. so if you plan to run the testing at a later time, please update the token in testconfig.json . The testing script ( will prompt if kore token expires during runtime.

Help with configuring the tool

When running you will be asked for several inputs such as access tokens, URL etc

Configuration for -:

  • Pre-requisite for this is to ensure that you have registered and logged in into

  • Enter the name of the environment for which the Benchmark tool needs to be run.

  • Enter UserId and Bearer token from any API calls recorded by the browser developer console and clicking on any bot. User Ids can be found in Request Header in request parameters and authorization token can be found under "authorization" attribute of request header. Refer samples below

      authTokenKore="bearer xowAczxCrk4-bSpj3-lQNgcBmGdtIseQxFb6dyFIBZ1cheL6Vdj_1fW-e7R8MgMV"
  • In set USEKORE=True to test on kore environment else set it to False

Configuration for DialogFlow/ -:

  • Pre-requisite for this is to create a new bot(referred as agent in DialogFlow/

  • Press on the gear icon on the left next to the bot name.

  • Copy the Developer_Access_Token.

  • In the URL of the page, copy the bot id next to 'editAgent/' .


In set USEGOOGLE=True to test on DialogFlow environment else set it to False

Configuration for -:

  • As soon as you login into the Luis website, press on My Keys. In this page, copy the Programmatic API key and paste it within the keys in subscriptionToken.
  • provide it when prompted - "Please give your subscription token:"

Configuration for IBM Watson(OPTIONAL) -:

  • Create an account in Watson, and get developer name and password (different from login user name and password)
  • Limitations: free account allows a maximum of 5 bots at a time. Also there is a rate limit for bot&intent creation&deletion.


      (TP-> TruePositive, FP->FalsePositive, TN-> TrueNegative, FN-> FalseNegative)
      TP of intent->  output intent is current intent and expected is current intent (matched current intent)
      FP of intent->  output intent is current intent but Expected intent is different
      FN of intent->  Expected is current intent but output intent is different
      TN of intent->  output intent and expected intent is not current intent

      TP of intents = sum of all TP of intents except None
      FP of intents = sum of all FP of intents except None
      TN of intents = sum of all TN of intents except None
      FN of intents = sum of all FN of intents except None
          Precision = (TP of intents + TP of None)/( (TP of intents + TP of None) + FP of intents )

          Recall = (TP of intents + TP of None)/( (TP of intents + TP of None) + FN of intents )

          Fmeasure = 2*(TP of intents + TP of None)/( 2*(TP of intents + TP of None) + FN of intents + FP of intents )

          Accuracy = (TP of intents + TP of None)/( (TP of intents + TP of None) + FN of intents + FP of intents )
 2. The Results sheet has the status pass or fail depending on the intent identified matched with expected intent.
 3. The Summary sheet shows Precision, Recall, F Measure and Accuracy Values for all the three platforms.
 4. The IndividualIntents sheet shows the True Positives, True Negatives, False Positives and False Negatives for all the three platforms for individual tasks.
 5. Ambiguity cases are shown in the results and are counted towards None intent.

NOTES- Certain limitations are to be noted: a. Maximum number of Intents that can be created in Luis.AI are 12. b. Maximum number of endpoint hits for Luis.AI are 1000 hits per month for an account(For all the bots in the account together) c. Maximum number of agents that can be created in API.AI are 15

Sample : Previously run results can be found at