- Provides routing
- Provides templating
go get -u github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs
go get -u github.com/Kotlang/gospars/gospars
go install github.com/Kotlang/gospars/cmd/gospars
export PATH=$GOAPTH/bin:$PATH
gospars create component <component_name> <dest_folder>
- Didn't find wasm efficient for Single Page Application Routing
- WASM size larger than js. Further CDNs doesn't give efficient compression for wasm
- WASM performance was poorer than js as it takes more time loading the entire wasm into memory.
package main
import (
func ConfigRouter(component *js.Object) {
router := gospars.NewRouter(func(err error) {
if err.Error() == "NO_ROUTE_FOUND" {
component.Set("innerHTML", "404 - No path")
} else {
component.Set("innerHTML", "Check Internet")
router.On("/landing", landing.LandingContoller{component})
// Both path params and query params are supported
// All path params and query params will be included in params called to handler of controller
router.On("/profile/:user", profile.ProfileContoller{component})
router.On("/search", search.SearchController{component})
func main() {
component := js.Global.Get("document").Call("getElementById", "root")
<title>Sample gospars App</title>
<div class="container">
<div id="root"></div>
<script src="build/app.js"></script>
package search
import (
type SearchController struct {
Component *js.Object
type ExpertProfile struct {
Name string
Expertise string
func(l SearchController) Handle(templateBody gospars.TemplateBody, params map[string]string) {
experts := []ExpertProfile {
{Name: "Sai NS", Expertise: "Machine Learning"},
{Name: "Vasu", Expertise: "Machine Learning"},
{Name: "Siddhanth", Expertise: "Machine Learning"} }
l.Component.Set("innerHTML", templateBody.Render(experts))
func (l SearchController) GetTemplatePath() string {
return "build/search/search.html"
<!-- templating as provided by goland template/html -->
{{range .}}