My Learning by Doing
Full-Stack App, build with Next/React.
In the app there are 2 roles:
Install Dependencies
npm install
Run development server:
npm run dev
PostgreDB as Docker Container set-up
docker compose up -d
npx prisma generate
npx prisma db push
npx prisma db seed
Apply migrations + seed database
npx prisma reset
Run Prisma studio
npx prisma studio
Open .env.example to understand what secrets do you need in your .env config file.
You can register with your email and password, and your confirmation email will not be send, due to this, I highly recommend to use Github or Google as login at []( Because of the nature of resend, which is my email-provider and its set-up only for testing as free version. You will also never receive email for reset-password functionality, due to same reason.
Login and use the app.
Login with test users info:
- TestUser1 - Anna:
- Email:
- Password:
- Email:
- TestUser2 - Cassia:
- Email:
- Password:
- Email:
- TestUser3 - Andrei:
- Email:
- Password:
- Email:
- TestUser4 - Elin:
- Email:
- Password:
- Email:
- Login as admin is not available at
- Locally, you can check
for the needed secrets in your.env
config to seed and run your own administrator.
- Next.js
- NextUI
- NextAuth.js
- React
- React-Icons
- React Hook Form
- React-Toastify
- TailwindCSS
- Zod
- PrismaORM
- bcrypt.js
- Docker
- Cloudinary
- Pusher
- Zustand
- Resend
Test Users pictures from freepik Home page gif created with Canva
App is deployed on Vercel at link.