Key | Example | Information |
# Class info | # This is a native byte | Comment |
displayName <DisplayName> | displayName byte | Display name for the class |
extends | extends Number | Parent class (defaults to Object) |
implements | implements CharSequence | Interfaces implemented by the class |
typescript <CustomTSClassName> | typescript number | Custom typescript type |
primitive | primitive | Mark this class as primitive |
interface | interface | Mark this class as interface |
enum | enum | Mark this class as enum |
enumconstant <FIELD_NAME> [alias] | enumconstant UP up | Define enum constants. Alias is optional if string can be used in place of enum, e.g 'up' instead of Direction.UP |
annotation | annotation | Mark this class as annotation |
alias <DifferentClassName> | alias string | Allow another name to be used for this class in docs |
generic <Name> | generic E | Define generic type, used for classes like List<E>, one line for each generic |
event eventname | event block.right_click | Only for event classes, one line for each event |
recipe namespace:recipe_id | recipe minecraft:smelting | For classes that are a recipe type wrapper, one line for each type |
canCancel true |false |
canCancel true | Only for event classes, defaults to false |
binding <JSClassName> | binding | Used for global bindings such as UUIDWrapper as UUID |
source <url> | source | Source code URL |
- # Constructor info
- # @param1 Param info
- throws ExceptionClassName (one line per exception)
- constructor()
- constructor(int param1)
- constructor(int param1, int param2)
- # Field info
- int someField
- # Method info
- # @param1 Param info
- throws ExceptionClassName (one line per exception)
- void someMethod()
- void someMethod(int param1)
- void someMethod(int param1, int param2)
Chained before type, seperated by space, e.g. static final int NAME
Name | Field | Method | Parameter | Info |
nullable |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Member can be null, should be checked with if(x) first |
static |
Yes | Yes | No | Member is static |
readonly |
Yes | Yes | No | Member is immutable, trying to set it will most likely crash |
default |
No | Yes | Yes | Either a default method or an optional param |
deprecated |
Yes | Yes | No | It's no longer recommended to use this member |
itself |
No | Yes | Yes | Indicates that this method returns its own type and is either a builder or a modified copy. You dont specify type with this modifier |
- Info/comments come after fields, methods and class properties
- It may seem weird choice to list interfacecs and events in their own lines, but its to help merging PRs easier
- Mojang Mappings should be used for vanilla class names
- "Bean" methods a.k.a.
x getSomething()
should be documented as regular methods. The parser will figure out that they are beans - You can use // comments to write text that will be ignored by compiler
- You can reference example code with
in comments - You can use $_ prefix for undocumented class types, e.g. $_SomeRandomClassName
You can create an example and give it ID like this:
```exampleId Example Title
Example code
extends LivingEntityEventJS
event entity.death
canCancel true
# Fired when entity dies. Cancel the event to negate last damage and cancel death
DamageSourceJS getSource()
# Damage source from which entity was killed
You can test if docs build properly if you have JDK 17 and you run ./gradlew run