Made with Unity 2022.1.0b14
Proof of concept for projecting square tiles onto a planet using shaders. Based on the article by Red Blob Games
The project uses a shader graph for the PlanetTerrainShader with a subgraph for the HEALPix projection. The subgraph applies a specified mapping per tile in a longitude, cosine(latitude) space to a 3D vector on a sphere
It is not written in a very performant way. Ideally the mesh vertices would be converted into the longitude, cosine(latitude) space before being used. But for this small a prototype it's fine to do some extra trigonometry in the shader.
- The builtin Plane object is a 10x10 square. We rotate it by 45 degrees and map the resulting vertices to [-1, 1]. This rotated range is usable in the HEALPix projection directly.
- The material supplies the row and column for the HEALPix tiles, the shader supplies the correct mapping to a subgraph that matches the tile in that row and column.
- As you can see in the image the top of the northern tiles is rectangular in the projection as opposed to the middle tiles where the top half is a triangle. The shader stretches the triangles into rectangles.
- After mapping the x coordinate from [-1, 1] to the tile's range within [0, 2π] the x coordinate is used as the longitude on the sphere.
- The y coordinate is mapped from [-1, 1] to the tile's range within [-1, 1] and then converted with arccosine
- Then the longitude and latitude are used to create a 3D vector on the unit sphere.
- And lastly the y value of the tile is used as the vertice's height on the sphere.