My Arch configuration files.
Important! This project is discontinued. Instead of creating dotfiles folder and symlink files to home directory - use bare git repository. Here is my new approach of maintain dotfiles.
For reference to learn about bare git repo dotfiles see this article.
To get i3 looking like in pictures you have to install some programs.
installs below applications and does some configuration. But use it on your own risk.
(for getting battery info)compton
(for nice transitions)dunst
for display notificationsexa
for coloredls
(for setting wallpaper; put wallpaper to~/Pictures/wallpaper.jpg
(for bar with custom informations)lxappearance
(for changing system font and theme; change font in~/.gtkrc-2.0
and in~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
(for turning on numlock on start)playerctl
(for audio control)pulseaudio
(for audio control)ranger
(console based file manager)rofi
(for searching and launching apps)ruby
(for travis CLIgem install travis -v 1.8.9 --no-rdoc --no-ri
(for making screenshots; also create directory~/Pictures/screenshots
(to get CPU load)vivaldi
(To use Netflix install from AURvivaldi-widevine
(to manage clipboard)youtube-dl
best YT downloader
(simple terminal - installation instructions)yay
(installation instructions; for installing AUR packages)
(AUR; nice editor for programmers)i3-gaps
fork ofi3
(AUR) (installation instructions)i3lock-color-git
(AUR) (for locking screen)icons-in-terminal
(AUR) (nice glyphicons to use in st terminal)imagemagick
(AUR; for converting images to set them as lock screen)paper-gtk-theme-git
(AUR; Paper System Theme - nice theme)spotify
(AUR), before installing add following gpg keys:
gpg --recv-keys --keyserver hkp:// D9C4D26D0E604491
gpg --recv-keys 5CC908FDB71E12C2
(AUR; system font)ttf-font-awesome-4
(AUR; font with nice icons - use v4 - v5 breaks compatibility)xss-lock-git
(AUR; for locking screen after suspend. To suspend after closing lid, go to/etc/systemd/#d.conf
, uncommentHandleLidSwitch=suspend
It is worth to make symlink from repo to i3 config folder (assuming that i3 config is in ~/.config/i3
rm -rf ~/.config/i3
ln -s $DOTS/i3 ~/.config
- win key -
- directions (left, down, up, right) -
super + 0...9
- jump to specify workspace -
super + tab
- move to next workspace -
super + shift + tab
- move to prev workspace -
super + shift + 0...9
- move active window to desired workspace -
super + r
- enter resize mode (allows to resize windows by directions keys) -
super + shift + c
- reload i3 configuration file -
super + shift + r
- restart i3 inplace, reloads profile files -
super + p
- open modal window that allows to lock, restart, shutdown, reboot system or restarts i3 -
super + enter
- open terminal -
super + d
- open list of apps -
super + q
- kill active window -
super + h|j|k|l
- change focus to next window -
super + shift + h|j|k|l
- move focused window -
super + v
- split vertically -
super + shift + v
- split horizontally -
super + f
- enter fullscreen mode for the focused container -
super + s|w|e
- change container layout (stacked, tabbed, toggle split) -
super + shift + space
- toggle tiling / floating view -
super + space
- change focus between tiling / floating windows -
super + a
- focus parent container -
super + shift + a
- focus child container -
super + u
- check and run updates -
super + n
- run network applet -
super + i
- search for icons. Selected icon is copied to clipboard -
super + m
- mount / unmount usb drive -
super + PrintScreen
- make screenshot and save to~/Pictures/screenshots/
Block definitions are located in ./i3/i3blocks/blocks
Shows actual state of battery. Changes color accordingly to battery level. Also notifies (via dunst) when is fully charged or when battery level is low.
Shows cpu load for every core. When clicked - shows notification with ten most consuming processes.
Shows actual date. When clicked - shows calendar.
Shows info if numlock, capslock or scrolllock is enabled.
Shows memory load. When clicked - shows notification with ten most memory consuming programs.
Designed for wifi. Shows signal strength. When clicked - runs network manager applet.
Runs every 5 minutes. If detects any apps updates, shows small icon with number of updates. When clicked - runs terminal with update command.
Shows actual time
Shows title of actual focused window, Displays it in the center of the status bar.
Shows volume level. Right click mutes. Scrolling on it increases/decreases volume. Also there is possiblity to control volume from keyboard using dedicated multimedia buttons.
First make account on and obtain API key. Then rename weather.cfg.example
to weather.cfg
and update this file with your API key.
This block shows actual temperature in desired location with small icon about weather conditions. After left click it shows detailed notification.
Dots are files that reside in your home directory and their filenames start from .
Symlink all files from dots/
to ~/
ln -s $DOTS/dots/.* ~/
Then reload .Xresources
source ~/.Xresources
Contains useful shortcuts.
Runs once on logon.
Runs every time when bash starts (new terminal window is spawn). Loads aliases and creates custom prompt line:
Config file for Vim.
Install below addons:
- dracula theme
- pathogen for plugins management.
- CtrlP (for fuzzy search)
- NERDTree (for file tree)
Runs when X session starts. Loads theme from .Xresources
and opens i3.
Defines theme for system. Loads params from .xres
To get to work .xres
create symlink:
ln -s $DOTS/.xres ~/
Create symlink:
rm -rf ~/.config/dunst
ln -s $DOTS/dunst ~/.config
Create symlink:
rm -rf ~/.config/ranger
ln -s $DOTS/ranger ~/.config