- The first graduate Hackathon of LIKE LION Vietnam.
- This Typed.js is the branding effect in the hackathon place.
- It type it out the list of the attendee, and the lecturers of the class.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/typed.js@2.0.11"></script>
const auto = () => {
const typed = new Typed("#typed", {
stringsElement: "#typed-strings",
smartBackspace: true,
typeSpeed: 100,
backSpeed: 150,
loop: true,
smartBackspace: true,
shuffle: true,
let time = 14400;
let hour = "";
let min = "";
let sec = "";
const addZero = (n) => {
return (parseInt(n, 10) < 10 ? "0" : "") + n;
const x = setInterval(() => {
hour = parseInt(time / 3600);
min = parseInt((time - hour * 3600) / 60);
sec = time % 60;
).innerHTML = `<span>남은 시간 </span> ${addZero(
)} <span>시</span> ${addZero(min)} <span>분</span> ${addZero(
)} <span>초</span>`;
if (time < 0) {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "해커톤 종료!";
if (addZero(hour) < 7 && addZero(hour) >= 4) {
document.getElementById("demo").style.color = "skyblue";
} else if (addZero(hour) >= 2 && addZero(hour) < 4) {
document.getElementById("demo").style.color = "yellow";
} else if (addZero(hour) < 2) {
document.getElementById("demo").style.color = "red";
}, 1000);
You should note that if you want to use
const typed = New Typed
object in script, you must make function to cover the object and call it. If not, You cannot use this and cannot see any errors in the browser.