Utilities for the Learning Management System, Blackboard
You may wish to create a question pool of "fill in multiple blanks" questions, with each question having some variation. The process of making the variations and calculating the new answers is a tedious task, so instead, here is a tool which will assist in automating the process.
You may wish to create a question pool of true/false questions, with each question having some variation. This tool can provide support for doing this.
When performing a bulk-upload of questions into a question Pool (read here how to do this), it is not possible to enable Allow partial marks. This may be desired for questions of type Fill in Multiple Blanks, where you wish to award marks for those "blanks" that the student answered correctly. Without enabling allow partial marks, the student will receive zero for the entire question if any of their responses are incorrect. This tool will auto-tick the allow partial marks option for you.