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PoisFFT Wiki Home page

LadaF edited this page Nov 17, 2015 · 2 revisions

The PoisFFT library solves the Poisson equation on a uniform Cartesian grid using the Fast Fourier Transform. It calls the library FFTW3 and (if MPI is used) also PFFT.

The description of the methods used and several tests are included in paper

Vladimir Fuka: PoisFFT - a free parallel fast Poisson solver, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015

available online:


The Poisson equation used is

∆φ = b

where φ and b are functions of 1, 2 or 3 spatial dimensions.

For instruction how to use the API after installation see usage_Fortran.txt, usage_C.txt and usage_C++. For examples see testpoisson.f90, testpoisson.c and The installation is done using SConstruct, a Python based build environment, if you do not have it, you must install it first.

For compiling the library use



scons mpi=yes

in the src directory.

For compiling of the test programs add test after the above command. If you use other compilers than GCC (gfortran, gcc, g++), add argument comp, i.e.,

scons comp=intel


scons comp=sun

For other compilers you will have to add the options in the SConstruct file.

If you want to disable OpenMP, use

scons openmp=no

With MPI it is disabled automatically, but can be explicitly enabled by

scons mpi=yes openmp=yes

for hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelization.

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