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Awesome TACT Twitter Telegram

A collection of TON Tact templates and tools.

Provides ready-to-use templates for Jetton, NFT, Traits, as well as some commonly used tools.

Click to view my article on using Tact to implement Jetton & NFTs! 🌟

Tested on Node.js v22.9

Still undergoing frequent updates!



Install nodejs:



npx blueprint build


helloworld is a simple example of a contract, while sample is an example that includes complex contract calls. Please do not use helloworld and sample directly in your development. Instead, use the code in common, jetton, and nft according to your needs.

Hello World

npx blueprint build helloworld
npx blueprint run --testnet --tonconnect helloworld


To provide a more comprehensive code template, the sample deliberately includes a more complex Jetton implementation. You don't need to use the Sample directly in your project; rather, you should utilize the contracts and code in jetton and common as per your requirements.

npx blueprint build sample
npx blueprint run --testnet --tonconnect jetton

? input the address of the jetton receiver(default to yourself):

Sent transaction
jetton master address: EQD9PR60ImXHSE1KIemZGS30F0aHc0QUnfC6sMYyw9HtSGqA
Contract deployed at address EQD9PR60ImXHSE1KIemZGS30F0aHc0QUnfC6sMYyw9HtSGqA
You can view it at
mintable: true
owner: EQDRAI32YdVGZGDq18ygyPyflOpY5qIAA9ukd-OJ0CfYJ8SN
jetton content:
jetton total supply: 19000000000
jetton wallet address: EQDJiYKObYkxFFTR5v53TihdY723W8YCh34jvdu7qcwhBhVx
Contract deployed at address EQDJiYKObYkxFFTR5v53TihdY723W8YCh34jvdu7qcwhBhVx
You can view it at
jetton wallet owner: EQARnduCSjymI91urfHE_jXlnTHrmr0e4yaPubtPQkgy53uU
jetton wallet master: EQD9PR60ImXHSE1KIemZGS30F0aHc0QUnfC6sMYyw9HtSGqA
jetton wallet balance: 19000000000

Jettom Sample


To provide a more comprehensive code template, the sample deliberately includes a more complex NFT implementation. You don't need to use the Sample directly in your project; rather, you should utilize the contracts and code in nft and common as per your requirements.

npx blueprint build sample
npx blueprint run --testnet --tonconnect nft

Sent transaction
nft collection address: EQBHuZqwFHShebGvdOwRCeC1XbWPvYpOZsF7k7gkirDofyXG
Contract deployed at address EQBHuZqwFHShebGvdOwRCeC1XbWPvYpOZsF7k7gkirDofyXG
You can view it at
nft collection owner: EQCVjlulLBzq9FSR2wQqZJU3uzE-TDXlvWKJAtHqu5SyHqoh
nft collection next index: 1
nft collection content:
nft item address: EQCub9bLM0sjI2qJGafmMFiPsDFJhq5RkDVQRlnNV9Rr_W77
Contract deployed at address EQCub9bLM0sjI2qJGafmMFiPsDFJhq5RkDVQRlnNV9Rr_W77
You can view it at
nft item owner: EQCVjlulLBzq9FSR2wQqZJU3uzE-TDXlvWKJAtHqu5SyHqoh
nft item collection: EQBHuZqwFHShebGvdOwRCeC1XbWPvYpOZsF7k7gkirDofyXG
nft item index: 0
nft item content:

NFT Sample

Helpful Traits

Clone this repo to your project:

git clone

Then import the traits you need:

import './tact-utils/contracts/common/traits.tact';
import './tact-utils/contracts/common/messages.tact';


import './tact-utils/contracts/common/traits.tact';

contract YOUR_CONTRACT with Common {
    owner: Address;

Convert hashed value from Int to hex String

In the Common Trait, there is a function named int2hex(Int): String that can convert a hash value of type Int to a hexadecimal string of type String.

Onchain full-SHA256

In Tact, the sha256 function truncates the input string, keeping only the first 128 bytes. Therefore, a fullSha256 function is re-implemented in common to compute the complete sha256.

In common/traits.tact, there is both a function named fullSha256 and a method named fullSha256 that belongs to the Common trait.

// Contract
contract YOURCONTRACT with Common {
    get fun testStrHash(v1: String, v2: String): String {
        let hashed = beginString()

        return self.int2hex(self.fullSha256(hashed));

// Test script
it("hash string onchain", async () => {
    const v1 = "4d2377d0bc3befe8a721e96b13e22d3b4e557024353e69e2b5d0f315ad49aa05";
    const v2 = "551f6c3e8d7ae7d9b3ac53bca9b6f82cff322fb16113820776d14a3f93b93951";

    const gotHash = await sampleMaster.getTestStrHash(v1, v2);
    const expectHash = (await sha256(v1 + v2)).toString('hex');

    console.log(BigInt("0x"+(await sha256(v1 + v2)).toString('hex')));


Verify Merkle root on-chain

In common/traits.tact, there is a function named verifyMerkleSha256(MerkleProof) that can verify the Merkle root on-chain.

// Contract
contract YOURCONTRACT with Common {
    get fun testVerifyMerkleProof(msg: VerifyMerkleProof) {

// Test script
const generateMerkleProof = async (data: Cell) => {
    const d0 = comment("hello");
    const d1 = comment("world");

    let proofs = [];

    let root;
    root = (await sha256(data.hash().toString('hex') + d0.hash().toString('hex'))).toString('hex');
    root = (await sha256(root + d1.hash().toString('hex'))).toString('hex');

    console.log(`proofs: ${proofs}`);
    return {

it("merkle onchain", async () => {
    const data = comment('abc');
    const { proofs, root } = await generateMerkleProof(data);

    let proof = Dictionary.empty<number, bigint>();
    for (let i = 0; i < proofs.length; i++) {
        proof = proof.set(i, BigInt(`0x${proofs[i]}`));

    await sampleMaster.getTestVerifyMerkleProof(
            $$type: "VerifyMerkleProof",
            queryId: BigInt(Math.floor( / 1000)),
            proof: {
                $$type: "MerkleProof",
                data: data,
                root: BigInt(`0x${root}`),
                proof: proof,
                proofLen: BigInt(proofs.length),


Set a staticTax to charge a fixed fee for every transaction, keeping it in the contract. Owners can adjust it anytime via SetStaticTax msg.

contract YOUR_CONTRACT with Txable {
    owner: Address;
    staticTax: Int as coins = ton("0.001");


Allow the contract to be upgraded by the owner.

contract YOUR_CONTRACT with Upgradable {
    owner: Address;


Jetton Template

Easily implement your own Jetton contract using Jetton Template.

import './tact-utils/contracts/jetton/jetton.tact';
import './tact-utils/contracts/common/messages.tact';

contract YOUR_CONTRACT {
    owner: Address;

    receive("SOME_MSG") {
        let jettonMaster = initOf JettonMasterTemplate(
                flag: 1,
                content: "",

Jetton Trait

You can also deeply customize Jetton contracts using Jetton Trait.

import './tact-utils/contracts/jetton/jetton.tact';

contract YOUR_CONTRACT with JettonMaster {
    owner: Address;
    staticTax: Int as coins = ton("0.001");
    lockedValue: Int as coins = 0;
    content: Cell;
    totalSupply: Int as coins;
    mintable: Bool;

    init(owner: Address, content: Tep64TokenData) {
        self.owner = owner;

        self.content = content.toCell();
        self.totalSupply = 0;
        self.mintable = true;

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