Hi im @LarsGKodehode, a 33 year old man from western Norway. Currently working as a teacher at Kodehode Jobloop.
Main subjects:
- Frontend frameworks: React
- C# and .NET Core
Other subjects:
- Version Control Systems (Git)
- Introduction to Frontend Development (HTML, CSS, UX, Figma)
- Intellectual history
- Automation
- Software Design
- Communication, visualization, language
"You have tools and you have problems. And some tools solves some problems."*
This profile collects all the repositories used when teaching, some that are under considiration for inclusion in the curriculum as well as some that were created for helping specific students.
Table of contents:
Languages: Javascript, Typescript, CSS, HTML, PHP, Elixir, Rust, C#, Python, Bourne,
Libraries/Frameworks React, NodeJS, Phoenix, Svelte, Laravel, Vite, CRA, NX, Jest, Vitest, Containers (mainly docker), Actix, NX, .NET
React Specific: React Router, Zustand, React Query, Nextjs
Currently working on:
- Domain Driven Design with C# and .NET
- DevOps/GitOps/MLOps, Infrastructure as Code, Configuration as Code, Orchestration