Author: Laubi
Version: 2.0
MineMaze is a plugin for Bukkit.
Use this command to generate a maze in the selected area.
- -gen Use a special generator, to list them use "//maze list"
- -mat Change the material of the walls. (Block data syntax)
- -bottom Change the material of the floor, if you don't one just don't use this command. (Block data syntax)
- -top Change the material of the ceiling. (Block data syntax)
- -nodoors Dont generate doors.
- -torches [-h ] [-p ] Generate some torches. With the "-h"-flag you can change the height of the torches, and with the "-p"-flag you can change the percentage of the torches.
//maze help:
List all aviable subcommands and their description.
//maze list:
List all aviable Mazegenerators and their aliases.