A quick implementation of scenes gesture in C using CSFML
#include <LSCENE/lscene.h>
#include <LSCENE/lvector.h>
#include <LSCENE/ltextbox.h>
static void exit_handler_start(struct lsfgameobject_s *self)
/* Subscribe to the 'Closed' event (alt + F4, click on the window's [X] button) */
lgameobject_subscribe(self, sfEvtClosed);
/* Subscribe to the 'KeyPressed' event, triggered when a key is pressed */
lgameobject_subscribe(self, sfEvtKeyPressed);
static void exit_handler_catch_event(struct lsfgameobject_s *self, const sfEvent *event)
/* If the window is closed or if the ESCAPE key is pressed, stops the lscene_run() function */
if (event->type == sfEvtClosed || (event->type == sfEvtKeyPressed && event->key.code == sfKeyEscape))
int main(void)
lscene_t scene;
/* Create a position structure where x = 100 and y = 150 */
sfVector2f position = vector2f(100, 150);
** Create an input box gameobject at position 'position', with a placeholder that contains "I'm an input box",
** with a character size of 50 pixels with a white text color
lgameobject_t *input = linputbox_create(position, "I'm an input box", 50, sfWhite);
/* Create a custom gameobject to handle exit events */
lgameobject_t *exit_handler = lgameobject_empty("exit_handler");
/* Set it's start function (called when the gameobject is added to the scene */
exit_handler->start = &exit_handler_start;
/* Set it's catch_event function (called each time a subscribed event is triggered) */
exit_handler->catch_event = &exit_handler_catch_event;
/* We now create a scene, the window's name will be "example", and the framerate is set to 60 (can change at runtime) */
lscene_create(&scene, "example", 60);
/* We get a font into the scene, 'commodore-64.ttf' it will load it into the scene if not already loaded */
lscene_get_font(&scene, "commodore-64.ttf");
/* We add both gameobjects */
lscene_add_gameobject(&scene, input);
lscene_add_gameobject(&scene, exit_handler);
/* Keep in mind that, if not changed, the textbox will use the first scene loaded font as it's own */
return 0;