This block to make the user are able to search for courses by the course custom fields.
After install the plugins you need to define the following settings:
- Show Search From: this is the main form for the "Standard Search Result" page, you can determine, if you need to print the main search form inside this page or not.
- PerPage: this setting to define how many items will be shown for the search result.
- Custom fields: for the "Standard Search Result" page, you can specify which fields to search by.
- You will see a setting for each custom field to define the operation search:
- Equal number: against "="
- Equal string: against " like ? " means the field must be matched the value.
- More than: against ">"
- Less than: against "<"
- Contains: against " like %?%" any the field must contain the value.
- Start with: against " like ?%" any the field must start with the value.
- End with: against " like ?%" any the field must end with the value.
The following settings for each block instance you added:
- Block Style: "Side" to display one item per row, "Content" four items will be shown per row.
- Submit Behavior:
- "Go to the Standard Search Page" means when the user clicks on search button he will be moved to the standard search result page "search.php"
- "Ajax request" means the result will be shown in the same block.
- You can specify which fields to search by.
- You can customize this page by the category, you just need to pass "course_category" as url parameter, or you can search for specific category from the list, and then customize the blocks for this page.
- You can display the main form inside the Standard Search Result page from the plugin settings.
- For any "Search for Courses" block you added inside the Standard Search Result page, the result will be shown inside the main content, instead of the same block.