For more details about each project, visit the corresponding GitHub repository! ๐ I have a GitHub sponsor page: If you like my work, please consider sponsoring me!
- Stigmee: Decentralized web browser and 3D social network (cancelled project).
- gdCEF: Godot plugin for web browser integration based on Chromium Embedded Framework.
- OffScreenCEF: proof of concept CEF off-screen rendering for OpenGL/SDL2.
- TimedPetriNetEditor: timed Petri nets, event graph, and GRAFCET editor.
- MaxPlus.jl: Julia package for tropical algebra: (max,+) and (min,+) algebras.
- Statecharts: PlantUML statecharts to C++ code generator (flat statecharts only).
- CiudadSim: Scilab Traffic Assignment Toolboxes (I'm not the author of the original code).
- OpenGlassBox: Implementation of the SimCity simulation engine.
- Highway: Autonomous driving simulator (WIP).
- Ecstasy: My computer science student project of traffic and vehicle physics simulation.
- MyMakefile: My personal Makefile helper used for all my projects.
- zipper: C++ zip/unzip library.
- MQTT: C++ MQTT client library.
- OpenGLCppWrapper: C++ OpenGL Core wrapper.
- MyLogger: Simple C++ logger.
- SimForth: Forth interpreter C++.
- WebSiteGenerator: Static HTML website generator based on GNU M4 macros.
- Covid19.jl: COVID-19 epidemic model.
- GlobalWarming.jl: My own climate data analysis.
- Janus: My own attempt at Jean-Pierre Petit's Janus cosmological model.
- ChessNeuNeu: Neural networks for chess.
- BacASable: Experimental code playground.
- GraphicsLessonInGforth: OpenGL and SDL tutorials for Forth. (I'm not the original author).
- MySlides: The PDF documents I made when I was a computer science student (in French).
- DotEmacs: Emacs configuration.
- MyBashPrompt: Bash prompt decorator.
- MyVSCodeSettings: VSCode configuration.