Emeraude Ajax is a javascript/jquery micro library who tend to extend Html to use ajax without writing on line of js.
To be HTML5 compliant all html attribute start with data-.
##Activate ajax to a link or a form
<a data-em-ajax='true' href="/link">Link</a>
Congratulation ! Your link now trigger an ajax request.
<form data-em-ajax='true' action="/form" method="POST">...</form>
Congratulation ! Your form submission now trigger an ajax request.
If you want to write the html returner by your link somewhere. You could just use :
<a data-em-return-destination='#jqueryselector' ...
When you have a return destination you could add a loading class to diplay some effect when loading.
<a data-em-ajax-loading-class='main-loading' data-em-return-destination='#jqueryselector' ...
The switch action allow you to switch text, href, class after the ajax submission. In the folowing exemple we want a like that allow you to bookmark or unbookmark something. We want to modify the style by changing the class.
<a href="/linkTrue" class="bookmark"
If you want to disabled the link effect after switching the class for exemple you could use :
If you want to add a selected class to the link :
If you want to write the html returner by your link somewhere. You could just use :
<from data-em-return-destination='#jqueryselector' ...
- Merge link and form code
- Suppress jQuery dependancy