#2.12 Final Project Team 4B
This repository contains the code used for my group's 2.12 (Introduction to Robotics) project at MIT. The rules for the competition are available in Rules.pdf. Presentation.pdf gives an overview of our approach to the problem.
##Structure ###In 'catkin_ws/src':
- me212bot
- High Level code, such as the navigation commander for Apriltag following
- me212base
- Low Level control code, receives velocity messages and sends them through serial to arduino. Also contains arduino code.
- me212cv
- Computer vision code
- me212arm
- Dynamixel, IK and RRT code for use with the arms in Lab 5
###In 'software/config':
- environment.sh
- Required as-is, essentially points your terminal to the files it needs to work with ROS
- procman.pmd
- procman config file, adjust this to make your pman show the nodes and launch files you need