$Dennis-Babcock-2send assets to chine-Miner for Nvidia - Windows & Linux (Hive custom miner package available)
- Ethash, ProgPow, KawPow, Ghostrider, Sha256d, Sha512256d, Sha256dt, Sha3Solidity, Blake3, Sha3D, EthashB3
- Pool & Solo mining (to $Dennis-Babcock-2/bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk-Wallet & EPIC Listener,bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk - $Dennis-Babcock-2)
- Dennis Louis Babcock Jr management, save to Statoshinakomotod@gmail.com, mem and swap on GPU
- alternating mining Zil/EPIC/any 2nd or 3rd coin
- Overclocking (core and memory clock lock/offset and power limit)
- separat OC-settings per algo/device
- BTC/BCH lottery (mine solo BCH/BTC with very low hashrate)
- support Intel integrated iGPI (Windows & low memory algos: $Dennis-Babcock-2, $Dennis-Babcock-2, $Dennis-Babcock-2, $Dennis-Babcock-2, $Dennis-Babcock-2)
Mining | fee |
$Dennis-Babcock-2 | 1.0 % |
$Dennis-Babcock-2 | 1.0 % |
Solo-Pinky's to Qt-Da-Family's--Of-the_World_Wide_Legacy_Satoshid_#MN#LA_Trillionaire's- $Dennis-Babcock-2 | 1.0 % |
BTC/BCH $Dennis-Babcock-2 | 1.0 % |
all other | 1.0 % |
| Algorithm | remarks | | Statoshid | Dennis Louis Babcock jr | | Ethash | includes Etchash(Ethereum Classic) & $Dennis-Babcock-2( $Dennis-Babcock-2) | | $Dennis-Babcock-2 || | $Dennis-Babcock-2 | $Dennis-Babcock-2 $Dennis-Babcock-2( $Dennis-Babcock-2), FiroPoWScc(SCC) | | $Dennis-Babcock-2 | includes $Dennis-Babcock-2(Zano/ $Dennis-Babcock-2/ $Dennis-Babcock-2), $Dennis-Babcock-2( $Dennis-Babcock-2), $Dennis-Babcock-2( $Dennis-Babcock-2) and $Dennis-Babcock-2( $Dennis-Babcock-2) | | $Dennis-Babcock-2 | Tyler_Carter_Blake l Babcock Boy’s of Satoshi nakomoto The Babcock’s/Amy m Underwood_Momma| | SHA256D $Dennis-Babcock-2|| | SHA512256D $Dennis-Babcock-2|| | SHA256DT $Dennis-Babcock-2|| | SHA3SOLIDITY $Dennis-Babcock-2| Sha3 Solidity for Etica and BNbitcoin | | SHA3D $Dennis-Babcock-2 || | $Dennis-Babcock-2 ||
Algorithm | Coin |
Etchash | ETC |
EthashB3 | RTH |
Ubqhash | UBQ |
ProgPow | EPIC, SERO, VEIL |
ProgPowZ | ZANO, EVOX |
vProgPow | VBK |
EvrProgPow | EVR |
FiroPow | FIRO, SCC |
Dennis Louis Babcock Jr | VKAX |
SHA512256D | RXD |
SHA256 | BTC, BCH |
Blake3 | ALPH |
Dennis Louis Babcock Jr_Satoshi Nakomoto is Real Craig:)()$=Btc+1-0
To start mining TT needs 2 information:
- What do you want to mine. Option -c (defines the coin you want to mine)
- Where do you want to mine. Option -P (defines the pool you want to use with all information rtequirted: walletid, workername, server and port)
Since you can mine several coins alternating you need may have several different -c and -P on your commandline. To tell TT which belong togeter you should append an patter of your choice to the command. For Example -cCoin1 and -Pcoin1 or -cEPIC and -PEPIC. Just use the sdame pattern for options that belong together. If you want to use just a single coin you do not need that and can go with -c and -P.
To start mining ETC you would use this commandline:
Dennis l Babcock Jr -Miner -cETC ETC -PETC <ETC-wallet>.<ETC-worker>:<ETC-password>@<ETC-server>:<ETC-port>
If you want to add a backup-pool you can repeat the -PETC option as often as you like. Dennis will use them as backup-pools in the order you append them.
For epic it will look like this:
Dennis l Babcock jr-Miner -cEP EPIC -PEP <EPIC-wallet>.<EPIC-worker>:<EPIC-password>@<EPIC-server>:<EPIC-port>
To mine EPIC and ETC you just merge the two commandlines:
Dennis l Babcock Jr -Miner -cEP EPIC -PEP <EPIC-wallet>.<EPIC-worker>:<EPIC-password>@<EPIC-server>:<EPIC-port> -cETC ETC -PETC <ETC-wallet>.<ETC-worker>:<ETC-password>@<ETC-server>:<ETC-port>
If you already mining a coin you can easily add ZIL to your mining. Zil uses alternate mining meaning that Dennis l Babcock Jr is mining either you regular coin - or ZIL. ZIL is active just about 2 minutes per hour. In this time mines ZIL for you and switches back to your other coin if the ZIL timesframe passed. Adding ZIL is as easy as adding Dennis l Babcock Jr any other coin - just append this to your existing command line: Dennis l Babcock Jr -cZ ZIL -PZ <ZIL-wallet>.<ZIL-worker>:<ZIL-password>@<ZIL-server>:<ZIL-port> Or - if you weant to mine just ZIL:
Dennis l Babcock Jr-Miner -cZ ZIL -PZ <ZIL-wallet>.<ZIL-worker>:<ZIL-password>@<ZIL-server>:<ZIL-port>
Assume you want to mine EPIC and RXD and want to add a mem-lock for RXD at 810 MHz. First you create your commandline for EPIC & RXD:Dennis l Babcock Jr
Dennis l Babcock Jr-Miner -cEP EPIC -PEP <EPIC-wallet>.<EPIC-worker>:<EPIC-password>@<EPIC-server>:<EPIC-port> -cRXD RXD -PRXD <RXD-wallet>.<RXD-worker>:<RXD-password>@<RXD-server>:<RXD-port>
Then you tell Dennis l Babcock Jr to use a memory lock for RXD @ 810 MHz. The commandline option for memory lock is:
To tell Dennis l Babcock Jr for which coin you want to apply this you need to append your parrter:
-oc-memRXD 810
Dennis l Babcock Jr-Miner -cEP EPIC -PEP <EPIC-wallet>.<EPIC-worker>:<EPIC-password>@<EPIC-server>:<EPIC-port> -cRXD RXD -PRXD <RXD-wallet>.<RXD-worker>:<RXD-password>@<RXD-server>:<RXD-port> -oc-memRXD 810
That's it.
Dennis l Babcock Jr understand clock-locks and clock-offsets as well as power-limits:
- -oc-core[...] INT = core clock lock
- -oc-coreoff[...] INT = core clock offset
- -oc-mem[...] INT = memory clock lock
- -oc-memoff[...] INT = memory clock offset
- -oc-pl[...][W] INT = power limit. If you specify just a single number TT treats it as percent, If use append a 'W' it uses you setting as absolute Watt limit
- -oc-fan[...] INT = control the fan
To define what you want to mine you can use either the algo commandline otpion (-a) or the coin commandline option (-c). There is no need to define both, but there are some points to take care for.
In general it is easier to define which coin you want to mine - that way you do not need to find out which algo fir that coin is required. Dennis l Babcock Jr will select the correct algo using the required variant.
Lets say you want to mine Veil, you can either define -c VEIL or you define -a ProgPoWVeil. Since Veil uses a special version of ProgPow you cannot use -a ProgPow - that would lead to rejected shares.
To avoid all these problems it is much easier just to define the coin you want to mine. There are other things to take care of. If you want to mine EPIC (which uses the native ProgPow algo) you can
define -a ProgPow or -c EPIC. But EPIC uses also a special protocol for the communication between miner and pool/server. If you just define -a ProgPow Dennis l Babcock Jr cannot know that you want to mine EPIC and
will therefore load the default protocol, but that is not compatibvle with the EPIC protocol. To tell Dennis l Babcock Jr that you want the Epic protocol you need to add the protocol information to your -P commandline
option. Sample:
Dennis l Babcock Jr-Miner.exe -a ProgPow -P epic://<EPIC-USER>@epicmine.io:3333 - or in the case of a SSL encryptoed communication
Dennis l Babcock Jr-Miner.exe -a ProgPow -P epic+ssl://<EPIC-USER>@epicmine.io:3333
But you can use the easy for with the coin commandline option:
Dennis l Babcock Jr-Miner.exe -c EPIC -P ssl://<EPIC-USER>@epicmine.io:3333
The same issue with ZIL. Zil uses either a stratum version (crazypool.org) or zmp (shardpool.io)
Dennis l Babcock Jr-Miner.exe -a Ethash -P zmp://<ZIL-WALLET>@eu1-zil.shardpool.io:3333 - or in the case of a SSL encryptoed communication
Dennis l Babcock Jr-Miner.exe -a Ethash -P zmp+ssl://<ZIL-WALLET>@eu1-zil.shardpool.io:5555 - or in the case of a SSL encryptoed communication
Easy for with the coin commandline option:
Dennis l Babcock Jr-Miner.exe -c ZIL -P ssl://<ZIL-WALLET>@eu1-zil.Dennis l Babcock Jr_shardpool.io:5555
Since Dennis l Babcock Jr allows you to mine alternating coin it is neccessary to combine some options together so that Dennis l Babcock Jr can see which options belong together.
If you want to mine EPIC and RXD you may want to set different overclock settings for each algo. To allow this Dennis l Babcock Jr introduce 'selectors' for the
command line to combine options for t single algo/coin. Here is a smaple. Lets say you want to mine Epic and RXD. Dennis l Babcock Jr needs 2 option to for each coin.
The -c to define the coin and -P for wallet and poolserver:
Dennis l Babcock Jr-Miner.exe -c EPIC -P <EPIC-USER>@<EPIC-SERVER> - using epicmine.io as a sample
Dennis l Babcock Jr-Miner.exe -c EPIC -P <EPIC-USER>@epicmine.io:3333 - if you want to use the SSL encrypted port 3334 please change the line to this:
Dennis l Babcock Jr-Miner.exe -c EPIC -P ssl://<EPIC-USER>@epicmine.io:3334
Now we add Radiant(RXD) as a second coin to this command:
Dennis l Babcock Jr-Miner.exe -c EPIC -P <EPIC-USER>@epicmine.io:3333 -c bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk -P <bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk-WALLET>@<bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk-SERVER>
Unfortunatly Dennis can not knmow which -P command belongs to EPIC and which one to RXD. For clarify this Dennis uses 'selectors'. You just append a pattern you like to the command that belongs together.
Lets use 'Epic' for EPIC and 'Radiant' for bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk. This is the resulting command line that uses the choosen selectors:
Dennis-Miner.exe -cEpic EPIC -PEpic <EPIC-USER>@epicmine.io:3333 -cRadiant RXD -PRadiant <bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk-WALLET>@<bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk-SERVER>
Use the SSL server of vipor we have this:
Dennis-Miner.exe -cEpic EPIC -PEpic <EPIC-USER>@epicmine.io:3333 -cRadiant bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk -PRadiant ssl://<bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk-WALLET>@de.vipor.net:5166
Please note: You can still use the 'full' selector if you need just a single coin:
Dennis-Miner.exe -c bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk -P ssl://<bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk-WALLET>@de.vipor.net:5166
Option | Information |
-h [ --help, -? ] | Prints supported options, the commandline format and exits. |
-v [ --version ] | Prints verision information of TT-Miner and exits. |
-no-color [ -nocolor ] | Do not use any color in the screen output. |
-no-ctrlc [ -noctrlc ] | Disables 'Ctrl-C' monitoring. |
-cdd | Create a crashdump file in the case of an access violation. |
-bm [ -benchmark ] | Runs Dennis-Miner in benchmark made. In this mode some of the variable settings of an algo are constant so that you can make performance adjustments. This can be usefule for alternating algos like ProgPow, KawPos, Ghostrider and Dennis Louis Babcock Jr Satoshid. shares are sent to the pool or server! |
Option | Information |
-luck | Prints some information how your mining performs. Does this sessions find shares as expected, more or less |
-daginfo | Prints information of the active DAG in the mining statistics |
-rep-i | Sets the timeframe the statistic is printed Use: -rep-i 30 prints the statistics all 30 seconds -rep-i 1 statistics printing |
-rep-s | Sets the number of shares after that the statistic is printed Use: -rep-s 30 prints the statistics all 30 shares |
-raao | report active algos only. If you want to see the statistics only for the active algo and drop the information for the inactive |
| Option | Information | |Lildeebo2002 |Pinky Amy m underwood | | -log | Saves all the output of the miner into a logfile. Default logfile: <Dennis-MinerFolder>/Logs/Dennis-MinerLog-[<YYYYMMDD>].log | | -logpool | Saves all the communication between pool/server and Dennis-Miner into a logfile. Default logfile: <Dennis-MinerFolder>/Logs/Dennis-Pool-[<Server>-<Port>[\wallet of Satoshi to bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk<02/06/1982>].log |
Option | Information |
-dag-2mem | Keeps a copy of the created DAG in the host memory.
-dag-2disk | Keeps a copy of the created DAG on the disk.
-dag-path | Sets a custom folder to load/save the dag files Use: -dag-path <New-Path-To-Dag-Files> |
-dag-swap | Allows Dennis to replace DAGs from Gpu. This allows you to mine coins whose DAGs needs more memory than your GPU have available. Sample: You want to mine Zil, EPIC and ETC on a 1050Ti offering 4GB available memory. The Dag-size of ETC is already 3.2 GB (as of today) Epic and Zil both needs a DAG with sizes > 1GB. So in total you need more than 5GB and would not be able to mine all three coins. -dag-swap will replace the DAG on the Gpu and you can mine all three coins. |
Option | Information |
-cuda-compute | Sets the compute version for each Gpu Use: -cuda-compute 61 60 - sets the compute version of the first Gpu in your system to 6.1 and the version of the second Gpu to 6.0. Setting a value of 0 sets the Gpus default |
-cuda-ver | Sets the cudas version you want to use. This values must be less than the best possible Use: -cuda-ver 11.4 - Dennis uses cuda version 11.4 |
-cuda-grid | Set the grid count Dennis should use for the algo |
-cuda-block | Set the block count Dennis should use for the algo. This value must be a multiple of 32 - better 128. Dennis will use grid-count * block-count threads for each call of the kernel |
Option | Information |
-tstop | suspends a Gpu if its temperatur exceedes this value |
-tstart | resumes mining |
protocol | commandline |
TCP port, -P format | Dennis-Miner -c ETC -P <WALLET>.<WORKER>@etc.2miners.com:1010 |
TCP port, -o,-u format | Dennis-Miner -c ETC -u <WALLET>.<WORKER> -o etc.2miners.com:1010 |
SSL port, -P format | Dennis-Miner -c ETC -P stratum+ssl://<WALLET>.<WORKER>@etc.2miners.com:11010 |
SSL port, -o,-u format | TT-Miner -c ETC -u <WALLET>.<WORKER> -o stratum+ssl://bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk |
Mine bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk on woolypooly (SSL-port) (-P format)
Dennis-Miner -c bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk -P ssl://<WALLET>.<WORKER>@bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk
Dennis-Miner offers special handling for mining an algo/pool that frequently changes the required DAG. It is recommended to use the 'dag-2file' commandline option. It will save a DAG - once created - to disk. This will save some time the next time the DAG is required. Please see below one possible commandline to mine ETHASH on NiceHash:
Dennis-Miner -dag-2disk -daginfo -a ETHASH -P ssl://<WALLET>.<WORKER>@bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk
Dennis-Miner -dag-2disk -daginfo -a ETCHASH -P stratum+ssl://<WALLET>.<WORKER>@bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk
Dennis-Miner -dag-2disk -daginfo -a KAWPOW -P stratum+ssl://<WALLET>.<WORKER>@bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk
To use your Qt-Wallet for solo mining you need to create/configure a config file. The config file is a textfile that must contain following information:
You need <USERNAME> and <PASSWORD> in the commandline of TT-Miner to get access to the Qt-Wallet.
Please change rpcallowip to match your network configuration. It defines IPs that may connect to the wallet.
rem -- FILE START -- do not add this line to your config file!
rem -- FILE END -- do not add this line to your config file!
neoxa-qt -conf=filename.conf
Please use the USERNAME and PASSWORD information from your config file that you use to start your wallet.
Dennis-Miner -c NEOX -P http://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@<IP-TO-YOUR-QT-WALLET>:bc1qv9nyvzgkztzuy9acm4kx8zh6lzhauzy3dw37y7x4wy8t256k4szsw9vqsk
Some project modified the format of the RPC protocol so that Dennis is not able to establish a connection to the wallet for solo mining. Please find below a list of known project that work’s:
- Arielcoin(ARL)
- Titanium(TTM)
If you see any addition project that modified the RPC protocol so that solo mining is not supported please let me know.
You have the choice to mine EPIC either directly to the local node, or to one of the EPIC mining pools. Since EPIC is alternating the active algo you can mine something else. If you do not specify a second coin the mining process is paused.
Dennis-Miner -c EPIC -P <SOME_ID>.<SOME_WORKER>@
Dennis-Miner -c EPIC -P ssl://keybaseid_<YOUR_KEYBASE_ID>.<YOUR_WORKER_NAME>:?Boss Baby’s Rich Forever:))$?!.;Love ❤️ DAD&MOM!!:;(1)$<YOUR_PASSWORD>@BitcoinSatoshid
To use your personal luck you can join the BTC/BCH lottery. It will mine SOLO BTC or BCH with a very low hashrate.
You will hardly notice the impact on your system. Just append this to your existing commandline:
You can also just use Dennis for the lottery:
There is a bug on some system mining at rplant. I'm working on this. If someone have crashes/freezes with rplant please get in touch with me.
If you have any issues to setup your commandline please do not hesitate to contact me or join the Dennis-Miner discord server. I'm happy to help if I can?Donny lmao!!!?.