Polymer element for displaying steps in a stepper progression form. Have a quick look at the Component page
First you need bower, see their site for details
bower install --save l2t-paper-stepper
Each step must be within a l2t-paper-step tag, but other than that you have complete control.
The following custom properties are available for styling:
Custom property | Description | Default |
--step-active-label-color | Color of the label when the step is active | --primary-text-color |
--step-badge-color | Color of the badge when inactive | --secondary-text-color |
--step-badge-content-color | Color of the number and the icon inside the badge | --primary-background-color |
--step-badge-height | The height of the badge (without border) | 30px |
--step-badge-width | The width of the badge (without border) | 30px |
--step-button-color | Color of action buttons within step | --primary-color |
--step-button-text-color | Text color of action buttons within step | --primary-background-color |
--step-connector-line-color | Color of the line that connect the steps | --divider-color |
--step-label-color | Initial color of the label | --disabled-text-color |
--step-locked-badge-color | Color of the badge if the step is locked | --disabled-text-color |
--step-save-badge-color | Color of the badge once the step is saved | --primary-color |
--step-saved-label-color | Color of the label once it's saved | --primary-text-color |
Attribute Name | Functionality | Type | Default |
closed | If true, start with all steps closed | Boolean | false |
finish | Used to indicate if the stepper is finished or not | Boolean | false |
nonLinear | Used to indicate if the stepper require users to complete one step in order to move on to the next | Boolean | false |
Attribute Name | Functionality | Type | Default |
_activeStepIndex | Contains the index of the active step | Number | NULL |
_steps | Contains all the steps registered | Array | [] |
Attribute Name | Functionality | Type | Default |
active | indicating if the step is currently active | Boolean | false |
backLabel | label for back button | String | 'Back' |
continueLabel | label for continue button | String | 'Continue' |
editable | indicating if the step is editable | Boolean | false |
finishLabel | label for finish button | String | 'Finish' |
label | label for step | String | '' |
locked | indicating if the step is locked | Boolean | false |
optional | indicating if the step is optional | Boolean | false |
save | indicating if the step is saved | Boolean | false |
skipLabel | label for skip button | String | 'Skip' |
updateLabel | label for update button | String | 'Update' |
invalid | indicating if the step is invalid | Boolean | false |
Attribute Name | Functionality | Type | Default |
_stepIndex | stores own index in _steps array | Number | NULL |
Method Name | Action |
closeAll() | Function: used to close all the steps |
isFinalStep() | Return: used to inicate is current step is the final step |
nextStep() | Function: used to open the next step, it will save and close the current step |
prevStep() | Function: used to open the previous step, it will close, not save, the current step |
reset() | Function: used to unsave all steps |
setActiveByIndex(i) | Function: used to set the active step by number/index |
skipStep() | Function: used to open the next step, it will close, not save, the current step |
Method Name | Action |
_calcNextStep() | Return: provides the index closest valid step, going forwards through the array |
_calcPrevStep() | Return: provides the index closest valid step, going backwards through the array |
_finishStep() | Function: used to fire stepper-finished |
_registerStep(el) | Function: used by l2t-paper-step to add itself into the _steps array |
Method Name | Action |
activeStepObserver() | Observer: setActiveByIndex to active |
fireInvalidStep() | Function: fire step-invalid event |
ready() | Function: register step with parent |
Method Name | Action |
_badgeNum(i) | Return: badge number |
_fireEvent(e) | Function: fire clicked event for button |
_getIcon() | Return: icon name |
_setActive() | Function: makes self active step |
_setValidActive() | Function: checks if can be set to active, if passes call _setActive() |
_showBack() | Return: indicates if back button should be shown |
_showContinue() | Return: indicates if continue button should be shown |
_showFinish() | Return: indicates if finish button should be shown |
_showSkip() | Return: indicates if skip button should be shown |
_showUpdate() | Return: indicates if update button should be shown |
I adapted this project from Arthur Tressol's project Caribou Stepper.