Please consider sponsoring if you're using this package commercially, my time is not free :) You can sponsor me by clicking on "Sponsor" button in top button row. Thank You./Prosím pouvažujte nad sponzorováním tohoto projektu pokud používáte tento projekt komerčně, můj čas není zadarmo :) Sponzorovat můžete kliknutím na tlačítko "Sponsor" v horní řadě tlačítkek. Děkuji.
Professional Parcel Logistic MyApi client in PHP with PDF and ZPL label generator
- PHP 7.3 or higher
Install salamek/PplMyApi using Composer
$ composer require salamek/ppl-my-api
or if you want master branch code:
$ composer require salamek/ppl-my-api:dev-master
You must request MyAPI credentials from PPL IT, it is not same as credentials!
Consult official PPL documentation for methods description
~Runnable examples of code are in examples folder of this project.
- apiCheck.php Simple example to test connection to PPL MyApi
- getApiVersion.php Simple example to show how to get MyApi version
- createPackages.php Example how to create basic packages
- createPackagesWithCod.php Example how to create packages with COD (Cash On Delivery)
- createPackagesWithService.php Example how to create packages with additional services
- createPickupOrders.php Example how to create Pickup Orders
- createOrders.php Example how to create Orders
- getCitiesRouting.php Example how to get cities routing
- getLabel.php Example to show how to generate PDF and ZPL labels for print
- getPackages.php Example to show how to get list of created packages
- getParcelShops.php Example to show how to get list of parcel shops
- getSprintRoutes.php Example to show how to get list of sprint routes
│├┘│└─────┴──── [0019352] SeriesNumber
││ └─────────── [9] IsCashOnDelivery 9==CoD & 5== NonCoD (for some product it is 8==CoD & 0=NonCoD)
│└───────────── [09] DepoCode
└────────────── [4] ProductType