~ i3 Wm's configuration files ~
~ Workflow Showcase On Youtube ~
* WM : i3
* Terminal : kitty
* Application launcher : Rofi
* Bar : polybar
* Compositor : Picom
* Notification : dunst
* Screenshot : import -> imagemagick
* Volume Control : pavucontrol
* Policy kit Authentication : polkit-gnome
* Wallpaper Utility : feh
* File Manager : pcmanfm
* Screen Locker : i3lock-fancy
* Browser : qutebrowser -> As my choice you can use your own choice
* colorscheme generator : pywal -> colorscheme generator using wallpaper
* sudo pacman -S polybar i3-wm rofi kitty brightnessctl nmtui dunst imagemagick pavucontrol feh pcmanfm qutebrowser python-pywal ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd cantarell-fonts ttf-meslo-nerd noto-fonts materia-gtk-theme gtk-engines gtk-engine-murrine lxappearance
* paru -S i3lock-fancy python-pywalfox wal-telegram-git tela-circle-icon-theme-purple
* git clone https://github.com/LinuxNerdBTW/i3-MINI.git && cd i3-MINI
* cp -rv config/* ~/.config/
* cp -rv local/share/* ~/.local/share/
- Use Lxappearance For Changing Desktop Icons and Application Themes - Gtk Applications
- Add This Line To Your ~/.xinitrc file
i3_run() {
wal -R
exec i3
case $session in
i3 ) i3_run;;
- Now You can Simply use startx ~/.xinitrc i3
- You can also make alias for this if u want to make it simple .
NOTE: Vim , Qutebrowser, firefox, telegram + Pywal colorscheme
* Super + D - AppLauncher
* Super + Return - Terminal
* Super + 1,2,3,4.... - workspace Switch
* CTRL + ALT + LEFT,RIGHT - workspace Next,Previous
* Super + V - Vertical Split
* Super + H - Horizontal Split
* Super + b - Launch Qutebrowser
* Super + m - Music Controller
NOTE: Check ~/.config/i3/config - Further Keybindings
NOTE: All the dependencies and Fonts needs to be properly installed otherwise may not work properly